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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. Originally posted by buckeye:

    What are peoples opinions on the best car alarms avial. Also does compustar have a site, The only one I found is in Korean and I for some reason no understandy.



    When it asks you to d/l the language pack, click cancel. That is what I have, with remote start, and two-way paging. This is the second one I have had, and I like the model I have now about 1000x better. They had issues with the first series they made, so if you are buying used I would try to find one made after 03.


  2. Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

    I hear insurance is silly for the SC.

    Insurance can suck on them, they are classified as a performance car.

    They are very, very heavy. They like boost, but not much more than the factory gave them. They are very strong from 100mph up, but 1/4 mile is about 14.9-15.5. If it has over 80K plan on doing the head gaskets, it is not fun. If it is a 5sp. it isn't a T-5 like everyone thinks, and it is weak imo. Ask RL on here, he had a car on the same platform.



  3. Hey guys I need some help. I know this topic has been beaten to death lately, but does anyone know of any part-time openings? I would like to stay on the North end, but will look into any leads. I have a full time (44-48 hours per week) job, but need something else. I want to go back to school, but the money is a big issue. The only problem is that my hours arent the same every week, that is fixed because I write my own schedule for the next week on every Sunday. I noticed there is a new Advanced Auto on 23, anybody work for them part-time? How is it?

    Thanks in advance for any help given, I really appreciate it.



  4. Originally posted by 182mph:

    since i have jsut purchased my new built... stroked 5.4 navigator motor. i need a small set of turbos to throw on it. something that will support up to 2100 rwhp.

    105mm :confused: That might be too small, what do you think ;)



  5. Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

    What is this? All of them I've seen are yellow and they have this black stripe down the side that says boss on it. Is this just graphics or what?

    99% of the cars you are seeing are fakes made by 16 year "cool" kids. The sticker package is on ebay for $9.99, I am not lying.



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