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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Always have AAA. Or a budy with a tow ruck. All you need to know. The rest is in alien hiroglyphics and is a strange technology that we have only been able to impliment in making funny sounding cars that shoot apex seals at pets and small children.
  2. Captalisim. Deal with it or find a country that dosent have it and move there. Wana get rich and become the asshole with the cash? Take a few risks and start a business, maybe it will get somewhere. All freedoms we have. BTW, Soldiers fight for the freedoms we have. We arent politicians. There is an enemy out there that has a stated goal to make the US fall and to take the world and transform is into an extremist islamic state. They exsist, and so long as the contine to exsist, I will willingly leave my freedom and way of life here to go and help prevent them from making such plans sucsesfull. Dont make it out that we are fighting to help someone aquire land and develop it.
  3. Could be the o2, doent throw any check engine codes though. Calling you in a minute.
  4. I am wondering if anyone knows of a tool that will allow me to view what the compter of a vehicle is seeing/doing. The vehicle in question is a 88 Chevy 2500 4X4. It just had a motor swap (350K on the first one, it was due) and the new motor isnt running up to snuff. 1/2 throttle and above it kicks ass, but cold start are rough, and cruising at low RPMs it runs rough. Id like to see what the computer is seeing that is causing it to run like this so im not just throwing parts at it. Anyone know of something like a device that plugs into the OBD port and then into a laptop or something along those lines? Thanks
  5. I would love to be a voting member of the house on this one. Just think of the lobying you could get from adult establishments. Or the free ride for a long time if you sucsfully defeat it. Back to topic. I think this law is bullshit. If a patron does something the hottie dosent like, that is why they have security. Also, GOVERMENT TRAINED gurads? Wow, I can hear the assorted lawsuits and coroption coming on this one. "Hesugar, wana be able to make a lil more money? Ill look the other way if you...."
  6. I think somone is pissed at having to pay a little more to go hiking in a park.
  7. "Hows my driving? Dial 1-800-CRY-BABY" On the back oy my dads 69 international grain truck. 6v-53 detroit power, no mufflers, just twin stacks. "will work for beer" at least one vehicle in damn near every convoy I have been on. "at least its paid for" on a few beaters.
  8. "Somone left a square turd in my toilet, havent been able to flush it for a week" Seiouly, that shit aint right. I think chris has been sharing the pert bottle.
  9. About as partisan as the evening news. Nice to hear the other side and stuff that you wont hear elsewhere. All part of developing an informed opinion.
  10. Thats grounds for a hate fuckin.
  11. I gave up on TV a long time ago. Its just to depresing to see the stupidity that exsists in our scociety. At one point in time, Springer was entertaining. Now we are to the point of it being the benchmark for the lower elements of the gene pool. I like the 25 year old board. Rather than shooting them though, labor camps would be better. Try and get a return on the 25 years of rescources they consumed. Pharmacuticals testing at the camps would be a nice touch. To help keep the usefull citizens healthy longer. Kind of a bonus.
  12. Went raid 0 just for the sake of having it on one logical drive in a portable enclosure. $300 total for a 600 GB drive seems better than paying 300 for a 500 GB HDD + an enclosure. The drives are 5400 rpm (keep the heat down a little) plus being decent sized media files on an external drive, seek time isnt gona be a big issue like a databases would be. FYI, I have about 400 GB of music (so far, always getting new stuff from friends in bands, demmos, ect), so having 600 GB of HDD to put it on isnt overkill.
  13. Another car for Jay Lenno to put in his garage. I couldnt own it, Id want to drive the hell out of it.
  14. Hard to talk to people with mustangs since they can never keep up.
  15. Just got 2 300 GB hard drives and a firewire raid 0 case so I can make a portable drive to archive all my music in one place for easy acsess. been formatting for 2 hours now. That is all.
  16. Easy killer. I still have 4 or 5 4 barrels and a 2 barrel laying around the shop. next to a 8v-92 blower.... Just trying to seel a little modern modification (megasquirt fo lyfe, yo) Back to topic, if the carb is a holley squarebore, the kit to put a choke on it is usually like 30 extra, so it is often omited during an install. The squarebores tended to have either an electric choke or the heater element that went into the exhaust crosover (intake heater) so it would disengage as the engine heated up. If some of these components are rusted (or missing) this would make for hard starting. If you have a spreadbore and want to put a manual choke on it, the manual choke for a holley squarebore will fit, with a few minor mods. If you still have a quadrajunk on it, good luck ever getting it tuned right. carter AFBs and edelbrocks are unkown to me, never delved into them.
  17. Yes, I am curious about the emulation on an xbox. Please more info. Get back to the REAL oldschool. I have a vic20 with the games that you load off of a cassete player. Also haver about 200 games for my atari 2600. Good shit.
  18. Repost, but still a kickass site.
  19. People still use carbs? How cute. Ill pick up some parts for you the next time I am at the antique store.
  20. If she can handle a lil bigger than a jetta..... Crown Vic. Good towing, lots of room for kids (not trying to jinx you or anything), not to expensive,prety safe if you get in a wreck, rides good (convicted fellons agree) and not to shabby in the fuel dept.
  21. Define idle. "Brap Brap Brap...."
  22. Turbo rocket fluid = windshiled washer fluid. Stock fluid was 50/50 alky and water. Boost > *
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