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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Interesting. Dragin wagon.
  2. Check its stomach. maybe jimmy hoffa is in there.
  3. Looks good. Original color was making me think John Deere.
  4. This made me laugh. Chances of talking it down are completely up to the prosecutor. Talk to him, be polite at first, if he is going to be a dick let your lawyer talk to him.
  5. It is almost worth the cost of a window to kneecap some thief. Take an ocasional night to sit out there with a baseball bat and a .45 and wait.
  6. 130 for a 250 GB? you gets ripped mang. Pricewatch has 300 GB maxtors for 105 shipped. Price hasnt changed in about 3 months though.
  7. Was cleaning out the filing cabinet and found an old recipt from compusa. 20GB Maxtor HDD 229.99 Early 1999. To bad prices arent falling like they used to.
  8. Correct. Jimmy carter called God a racist as well. The late Mrs. King must have been in a well sealed coffin, as I am sure she was spinning quite fast.
  9. Rental car + cheap N2O kit = fun night. Remember the insurance.
  10. Remove the switch from the circut and test. If it dosent cut out with the wires nuted together, you can asume that some salt of other crap got in the switch and coroded it. Hell, check everything along the path for that circut. Intermitent problems are teh suck. Breaking out the multimeter and checking resistances and voltages would be good as well.
  11. Play "Good Vibrations" by the beach boys at full volume to conteract the bad vibration.
  12. The careening rattle wagon will rule all!!!
  13. I looked on there, but could only find it on the amazon.uk site. Is it on the american one as well? Trying not to be paying shipping from england or anything of that sort.
  14. That shit is nuts! In the one that went under, did anyone else notice the laptop that got flushed? That has gota suck a little. The bread lines where long, I can only imagine how long the laptop lines must be....
  15. 52MB Ill get back to you in a bit.
  16. Lustalbert

    Oh MY

    100 cool points!
  17. http://gorillamask.net/kbmario.shtml
  18. Lustalbert


    Yep. Sure is. http://www.carverdoug.com/wang.html
  19. If you dont mind, pick me up one as well. Thanks.
  20. 1 dolla. What are you looking for?
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