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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert

    Fort Benning

    Ft. Benning, the land that God forgot. Do not get a military tatoo of anything untill after you have sucessfull graduated the course. I had a buddy that showed up to ranger school with a ranger tatoo. The cadre learned his name quick. Not good. Also, if you have a birthday while in basic, do you damndest to keep that shit secret.
  2. Its a good start. So much more material, but prety good considering he had to keep it to a level that a non enthusiast could understand.
  3. Big brother wont let me run that one.
  4. Stress relief. http://n.ethz.ch/student/mkos/pinguin.swf 323.6 so far
  5. Whada dumcunt. Id dtill hurt her uterus though.
  6. Sweetness. Now quit looking at prOn while on the job.
  7. Looks like the rim is jacked also. I am asuming those arent just caps on steelies. I that much of the rim is missing, replace it before you drive it anywhere else. Hate to see the bead pop over where its missing and make bad into worse.
  8. 7'2". Damn thats a tall woman. Get her and shaq or jordan to hump, kid wont even need to jump to dunk it. Rudolph is hilarious.
  9. The snow is almost perfect for piling behind someones car so it can freeze into a block by morning.....
  10. Still waiting on something kickass enough to validate buying a 360.
  11. Lustalbert

    Just a Cav

    Velcomen. The force is strong with this one.
  12. Anyone find a parking lot in the neighbohood that sam hasnt ruined yet?
  13. Lustalbert

    Who am I?

    Wrong. Down the road, not across the street.
  14. Back to the Rustangs. When will you learn.
  15. A severe beating could do wonders. I can only hope he enlists some day and I get him in my squad. He will be pushing till columbus is lakefront property on lake erie. "I want motherfucking choclate milk!" Dump it on his xbox.
  16. So true. Now off to pound some brews and milf.
  17. Who said they would die from being shot? Just try and make sure you miss the femoral artery when you are going for the knuts.
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