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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. #1 priority should be hot nurses.
  2. awesomeage. NWS for the ads though, depending on how much of a jackass you IT guy is.
  3. Lustalbert

    CR Race Day?

    I belive 1000 or 1200 HP
  4. Dumb ass thives. One of the guys at the armory went to antrim park for an afternoon run, was gone from 145 pm to 3 pm and someone broke into thier car. He had his wallet in his gym bag, and it got stolen, grand take about $30. There was $80 in the glove compatment and the jackass never even looked. I do hate thieves. The epitimy of stupidity and laziness.
  5. Almost perfect. changine the pic to something of "Im a fraud, ill stealy your money" would be good also.
  6. Lustalbert

    strip clubs

    uhhhhhhh I <3 strippers. Seems that several people here do. And this being the parking lot, I think this falls under "Non-Automotive" and is perfectly valid here.
  7. A fine cigar once in a while. Pop dosent do much for me. Coffe, 2-5 cups a day, pending my mood. 60 smokes a day? Did they have a tracheotomy and just keep one lit up there all the time? What do you do that you have time for that many smoke breaks?
  8. This is almost archive material. Speaking of archived shit, anyone remember when chris posted up a pic of a fresh steamy one he just made?
  9. You just used them. When would you like it? Here in the military, we have some of the most upstanding people, great people, honest, hard working. We also have some of the biggest system workers in the world. People that have a paperwork excuse for anything they didnt do, and paperwork for why you need to do this for them. The ones that really piss me off you cant do anything to because they have an awesome knowledge of the system, and will burn you in papaerwork for looking at them wrong.
  10. If I can find a way to take a block of 1000 people doing a process, and re organize it so that it only takes 500, I have no problem taking a little of what I just saved the company. The company must think he is worth while, they are paying him for it. When people are costing me 1500 on overy item we sell just for thier health care, we can really afford to do some cutting. GM has made some serious mistakes in marketing and design, but thier biggest mistake was giving the UAW damn near free reign on the contracts for so long.
  11. one seving of yam bag yogurt coming her way....
  12. good effort, still not my thing though. An ls-X in it would tickle my pickle a litle more.
  13. The welfare state rears it ugly head. But stating that of course make me an unsensitive republican hate monger.
  14. as long as the offer more than 2 engine chioces, a manual with all of them, and its rwd. Love to see a true small block and big block option.
  15. Dude is gona give himself a heart attack.
  16. He probably pays more in insurance or taxes than I make in a year.
  17. that makes me think of the video of the nun and priest for some odd reason.
  18. Damn, havent done this in a long time. Maybe for now.
  19. A weeks worth of MREs = painfull.
  20. You are a regular Betty fucking Crocker.
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