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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Cheesey Chucklefanny So my ass laughs alot and it smells like cheese?
  2. Lustalbert


    Weather wasnt him, sorry. Do you think he honestly would have hit new orelans? Thats his vacation spot for pimpin on the young bitches.
  3. Velcomen. I cant look at the pics at work, the army network blocks photobucket and most other decent sites, but your sig pic looks good!
  4. No dent? You didnt go fast enough. And to the haters, it was more humane for the fleabag to get run over and die quickly than for an aligator to snatch it and drown it.
  5. erotic books on tape > * for the daily commute.
  6. Is there anything on that car that wont feel the wrath of Krylon?
  7. You had and didnt share? You are automatic beer bitch next time you come over.
  8. nothing really tastes great with water. I did have sucess with mixing in some choclate slim fast with my whey protien when i was overseas, and it was aceptable. Plus the vitamins and minerals that slim fast has.
  9. ADD keeps me from fully enjoying math like you guys.
  10. Dont hate. Just burn me a copy and ill pick it up at anths house.
  11. Id give my left nut to implant the right one in her.
  12. Was that suposed to make me feel guilty? All it did was bring back memories, thanks
  13. I belive the 14 bolt units in the tucks were all rear loaders.
  14. Lustalbert


    Weve been waiting for you.
  15. Just a thought on the btu per pound. Hydrogen is so damn light. a pound of it in gas form at atmospheric pressure and temp is how many cubic feet? Also, what rate or % are they injecting the h2 into the mix? Probably enough to satisfy the requirement for improving the emisions, but it would take a good sized unit and a fair amount of electrical power to make enough H2 to actualy replace gasoline as the primary fuel. As for the guy that was running his dune buggy on H2, what was he spending on the electricity to split the water? the energy has to come from somewhere, so it isnt like it is free energy.. Granted, big congrats to him for building a motor that ran on it instead of grenading. iIwonder if it would be posible to mix the h2 with some nitrogen or some inert gas to make it more stable. Also, what would this do to the burn rate once it is in the cylinder? And looking at the fact the cat is no longer burning, I can see that being posible. My car has no cats, and it is cooler at the tip than it was with the cat installed. p.s. tree huggers bite me.
  16. Are there any codes, tags, casting dates or #s on it? Also, so you know how many bolts are on the ring gear or the housing?
  17. Lustalbert


    Post your other pics, we will decide on how provacitive they are. Btw, nice plate mod in your sig pic.
  18. He wanted to show his mad tyte drifting skillz YO! by drifting aroud you. To bad it wasnt into a mailbox.
  19. Got my projector for 750, and it does a hellova job as a computer monitor. 120" of porn viewing goodness.
  20. What? This defies all logic. The internal compustion engine is driven by the fact that fuel and oxygen react and create heat, increasing the pressure in the cylinder. This device chages the whole working of the engine and makes it no longer require heat to expand the gasses? Or does the exhaust gas just magicly disapate all of its heat without heating any of the pipes it is flowing through? In that case, maybe this it the miricale gure for high boost engines. Run a little hydrogen in your mix, the tempatures will drop and you will no longet hafto worry about melting a piston or frying a ring. Sounds a little to good to be true. And also, electolsis takes a good amount of voltage and curent to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Maybe he has some miricale substance that accelerates the process, but you still need as much electrical energy into the system as the energy that is produced by the burning of the hydrogen (prepetual machine theory).
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