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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. He is still faster than one of the twins though.
  2. Rucksack, 2 canteens, body armor, brain bucket, 250 rounds of ammo, and a m-16. Only way to hike.
  3. first post was good. Straight downhill from there.
  4. Im almost liking that steal a tank of gas day theat someone mentioned a while back. To bad it would hurt the station owners, not the main corparation.
  5. For some odd reason, when "Destroyed" and "FC" appear anywhere close to each other, I get images of small children and pets dodging apex seals.
  6. They are just waiting on the next excuse to test what we will stop buying at.
  7. Older than dirt? Blow me. Repost? Lick my taint. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jacket1.html
  8. Lustalbert


    An audi is a nice car, but it isnt near the performance of the c6zo6 or the fit and finish of the sl55 amg. Also, I am biased, and dont praticularly care for imports. Something along of the lines of "If you like your american job, try buying american" I dont care where a company is based even, it materes where the jobs are that built it. Go ahead and call me an uneducated redneck, or white trash even, I don't care.
  9. dont know if jegs would cary that. Probably better luck at autozone, napa, advance, ect. Most likely cheaper as well.
  10. You seem to have those alot. I would recomend checking yourself.
  11. Try the cheap route first. If it works, you ssaved money, and the time of having it in the machine shop. Also, watch the valve when laping it, see if it is warped. Might be cracked even.
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4357
  13. you could go with a 16 volt 3 post battery, and then use a smaller cca battery to save weight. Of course, there is the added weight of the 12 to 16 volt converter to charge the 16 volt side, and the extra hassle of wiring it so that your 12 volt item like the computer and radio dont get fried. or just use a lightweight battery like anth or the rx7s, but you only get one good shot at starting it. or trunk mount it so the weight is over the drive axle, then use a bigger batt, and still have a lighter front end. What is your goal?
  14. Lustalbert

    X Fest

    http://www.thex1039.com/cc-common/mainheadlines2.html?feed=105977&article=306865 Who all is going?
  15. ballons are best filed with oxygen and acytelyne. I want to make these as party favors sometime.
  16. oh, im not post whoring either. well, I wasnt anyways
  17. I do have a z board usb you could borrow. leme know.
  18. Lustalbert


    You make me all warm and fuzzy. or was the alcohol....
  19. For cars, no. For getting stoned out of his gord on happy gas, well, ill take 2 please.
  20. Lustalbert


    To quote NWA "Im gona smack you upside the head with 9 inces of limp dick." Hows next weekwnd looking for /drink?
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