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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Your shithole is worn out and worthless. Marc told me so. Your house on the other hand, I have no idea.
  2. Lota sex. Id go down to campus and spend all week bed hopping.
  3. What? A hot sister? Am I to late to join in the leg humping?
  4. now that is funny. yes i did, pm me the clif notes?
  5. Can I get a nws on the avn link? My IT guy just jumped me about trying to look at porn at work.
  6. graemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  7. I dont read lawyer. Can someone translate that for me?
  8. You just get on em? Yikes! He was putting the blower on so it could haul the extra weight.
  9. welcome back. how long you gona be in town?
  10. How many clowns can you fit in that thing? j/k man, looks like it would be a blast to drive. graemlins/thumb.gif
  11. Dont forget to ask if the flux in the capacitor was changed regularly.
  12. make buddy buddy with a cop, then ask him to check a plate for you. make sure you have an alibi.
  13. my uncle had the wich cable on his trailer snap once while we where putting the boat in lake erie. for as loud as it was when it hit, it didnt damage anything. We always tie it down when its on the trailer, hate to see what a 24' boat would do to a car that was following to colse.
  14. Lustalbert

    Fast E55

    82,000? id rather have a z06 for the money. Hell, id be happy having that much cash to begin with.
  15. Nice! I see the cark moved as well. Miricales do happen.
  16. Nice paint. Where the fuck do you live now? that apartment looks framiliar, but i know i havent passed out there before.
  17. Napa could brobably give you a quote on that. I know napa gets alot of flack on here for thier machine shop, but for a single cylinder, I dont think they could fuck it up to bad.
  18. plentiful round them parts. probably came free with the lawnmower.
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