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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. uhhh, wow. 1000 for duct taping some parts together. i like the rape question.
  2. was he going at least half the speed limit?
  3. graemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gifgraemlins/leghump.gif
  4. damn, would a small block even be able to spin that without needing a tourque converter in frint of the balencer? seriously though, what is that for? flour/molasses pump?
  5. Lustalbert

    FUCK. v.ACbroken

    try some gold bond. "Air conditioned sack and an air conditioned crack"
  6. That was alot better than I could have ever thought.
  7. when did you get a bike? oh, wait....
  8. drugs are good, mmkay?
  9. der volvo is to fast for da popups!!!11!!!1!
  10. 4th of july @ your new place?
  11. for fucks sake's, this is sad. verdict toast
  12. how long till some chese dick starts making some sort of comemerative plate? you know someone will.
  13. as long as its works, looks are second. any time man
  14. solder acros the gap if it is together. If it is a gap where you could se light through it, you will need to bridge the gap. dont use a paper clip, its not really the right metal for the job. use the copper wire (fine strand) that you use for wiring your car. strip off all the insulation, and use it to help bridge the gap. make sure you get the joint good and hot for a good flow, and when you are done, make sure no solder splatter got anywhere else on the board where it could short something out.
  15. clean both sides of the break about equal to the width of the solder trace using a fine wire brush. then solder it with a good rosin core solder.
  16. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=003820
  17. dont knock the b-body, its great for hiding evedince, errr, hauling golf clubs. lots of golf clubs.
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