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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. plenty of knowlede on here. give the problem, and after about 4 or 5 wiseass posts, someone will have the right awnser.
  2. stolen boat report? That would be fucking hilarious.
  3. drive around grovetucky. for a case of naty light, im sure you could get an engine.
  4. graemlins/thatfunny.gif BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA! wait, did the mower have computer cases for fenders? graemlins/lol.gif
  5. found some unused space in your car?
  6. graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif I dont know why dell would do that. If someone found the backdoor into that,and started to look at peoples keystrokes and steal info, the amount that they would be liable for would be insane. Must be some sorth of good reason for that, and i sure would love to hear a straight awnser.
  7. 72 honda cb-350 Fun to work on, light, good starter bike. toped at indicated 130. It rides a little stiff, and by no means is a performance bike, but you can get em on ebay for a hundred or so, work on em a little, and go ride. Bonus, if you lay it down, parts are all over ebay for cheap as hell. 1973 honda cb-450 parts bike, motor locked up. for $15, im getting my money out of it. 1977 honda cb-750 HEAVY dont know how well it rides, only got to put about 50 miles on it before i got deployed, havent gotten it back on the road since. Worth the $100 i paid for it though.
  8. alternative. make a copper coil (electromagnet) and wire it up to a switch on your 12 system. If the light dosent trip, hit the switch, create a magnetic field. When the sensor picks up the field you are generating, the light changes. Turn it off when you are done so you dont pick up a bunch of ferous road debris from the last accidnt at the intersection. The kit that iron pony sells is a constant magnet, isnt it? not sure, I havent looked at what they sell.
  9. cant load the pic from ebams world at work. anyone wana tell me what it is?
  10. graemlins/thatfunny.gif seriously, 80 is a little steep, or is that for him to come out and do it?
  11. platinum keys, bling bling baby!
  12. Get new cars. Why spend more on a blank key and a locksmith than what the vehicle is worth?
  13. uhhhh, why? Some people have to much money. They need to give me some of it.
  14. anyone up for a fleet of detriot muscle to go get blessed?
  15. That sucks. Thier music still makes it into rotation on my playlist frequently.
  16. Lustalbert


    cardio, cardio, cardio Lost 35 lbs in about 4 months. Basic training is da shit for weight loss. You are either running, or pushing, or doing situps constantly.
  17. Lustalbert

    sales tax

    Tax should not go up with inflation. As inflation goes up, they will get thier tax off of the increased price of the goods, as well as off of the income that people will increase (raise, second job)to compensate for the inflation rate. Rasing taxes to "keep with inflation" is a way of disguising "we suck at budgeting"
  18. what needs rebuilt on it? carb work, or the piston rings shot to shit?
  19. Lustalbert

    sales tax

    i love buying out of state. id rather pay the shipping so the delivery guy earns it then just give 7% to tha man.
  20. $10 per person for track rental, $50 per person for "admin fees" (sams happy gas) j/k Id go, but i dont have a car worth bringing. Any charge to spectate/lose hearing?
  21. how drunk did you hafto get the dog? nice stang! plans for it?
  22. shitty man. at least it happened in the driveway, not on the road on the way there, or at the inspection.
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