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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Nice car, aw shit, is that a leak? What a POS. Besides, good excuse to lay under a car and drink a few ice cold barley pops.
  2. The Army EEO is going to feed you your balls now......
  3. Etoh and gasoline are soluable in each other. Just like 30wt and gasoline are diferent specific gravity, whey will still mix. The amount of agitation is the question, and I am unsure of the answer.
  4. 13.5 is better than I am running right now. Last month I was running 6m, yesterday I found my speed somewhat reduced to 1.5. Not sure what that is about, not happy about it, but I will deal with it when I know everything on my side of the modem is in proper working order, and it is something on thier end.
  5. What Linksys modem (model #) and how hard is it to run in place of my surfboard? Remember, I am an army engineer, not a network engineer. My usual solutions involve the use of high explosives and several cubic yards of earth and concrete.
  6. I am trying to have as many flashing lights as humanly possible. I just need something that runs, I curently have a Blitz 11b and a Belkin 54g running. The blitz needs reset about every 4 days, more frequently if I try to dowload some large files (movies, ect) The Belkin was running as the sole router previously, but needed reset about daily. I use it as a 11g AP only foy my laptop. Not effiecent, and is about 5 years old. Time to start from scratch and build a good system.
  7. So, how is this for a setup then: Cable Modem => Cobalt RaQ 4 => switch of my choice => ap-700. While looking at AP-700s, I came across 2 versions: AP-700 connectorized AP-700 not conn What is the differance?
  8. Ahhhh. Now the little lightbulb is starting to glow. On the Raqcop site, it states " It is probably not for Linux beginers." I wouldn't consider myself a Limux begine, more like a Linux retard. I think I have seen a computer running it once. Maybe. Care to teach a fossil some new tricks?
  9. Got a 1u server for under $200? I will admit, I am a little behind the times on networking, not quite retarded, but not up to speed either.
  10. Yep. Till it hurt. Then once more just for good masure.
  11. As far as I know, it does not support 11i. My laptop was new in 2003 (HP ZE 5040US I think) and a hp ze2308wm. I do run my media drive shared on the network, so I want to be able to acess it from my laptops.
  12. I am planning to run WPA as well, Just want the MAC filtering to help keep the ametures from even trying. 2k is a little more than I was looking to spend, if we can keep it below $200, that would be good. Edit ~ I dont need 11n / draft / ect. 11G is plenty. I dont need gigabit either, 100 will sufice.
  13. I need a better router. My curent one is failing me. Required: Built in wireless. At least 4 ports, 8 would be swell. Whatever size it takes, rackmount is bonus. I want to limit wireless acess by MAC adress. If I dont have your MAC adress programed in, you get nothing. No internets, no local network, you dont even get a packet back to tell you to get fucked. I would like to be able to see the mac adresses that are trying to connect, so I can enable and disable them on a whim, and I dont need to manualy type them in. Something that can reliably handle some bandwidth without slowing down or getting confused. Not needing reset every 3 days would be nice as well. Security is good. Good security is better. I would like to replace this thing by the weekend. Thanks
  14. I would pay $15, might go to $25~$30 if I could keep it to watch at any time, uncompressed, full controll to rewind, FFWD, pull a screenshot for walpaper of photochoping. ~The man cave~ 120" of 1080p, enough audio power to double as an effective light dimming control, and beer on tap = much better than dealing with other people in a theatre.
  15. Now the next time I hear "Go fuck yourself" that will come back to haunt me.
  16. To the crusher? Suck. Wonder if the crusher would notice if the drivetrain was missing......
  17. Fill hole with bondo, paint, sell as having "mild knock"
  18. Roman candles and ballons = win.
  19. Note to theives: Dont rob anyone. It could be hazardous to your health.
  20. Speaking of, how is the lil red one?
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