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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. 1 ID per ticket, or can a student take a guest? Thanks
  2. IIRC, it came from an 86 cutlass, has 5a heads swapped on to match the perfomer 350 intake. Ill leave the chrome valve covers on.
  3. Sorry, i was drinking heavily last night. I am surprised that I spelled that post right, cause I sure as hell don't remember making it.
  4. Lustalbert

    Do it.

    Whoring through...:lurk:
  5. No engine, no care. http://home.gci.net/~shem/Wallpaper/Snowmobile/Snowmobile.jpg
  6. http://www.pricewatch.com Got a 500w chiefmax for $20 Bigest spare I have laying around is a 350
  7. And to think, I wasted a year on Asherons call.....
  8. Kim Jong Ill has a serious case of penis envy.
  9. Thats like saying "I have a 12" dick, but I am stiil a virgin."
  10. 2 workds for Kim Jong Ill. Bring it. We still have some nuclear tiped cruise missles, and I am prety sure we can find his address.
  11. Lustalbert

    Do it.

    colonoscopy? Good luck.
  12. Welcome oil burner. I love the smell of #2 burning in the morning.
  13. The more I think about this, the more I cant help but wonder: How bad would it suck to be the company comander? Half your company goes missing for days on end, then come back babling about the "Enchanted Forest" or some shit....
  14. http://www.savvy.com/news/D8KL9F287_mom-accused-of-swinging-baby-as-weapon.apx?cat_id=17
  15. To bad we cant get a clause in social security and welfare "Anyone who commits a felony is ineligible to recive any benifits until they have paid back the citizens for the cost of thier incareration."
  16. It is a 360 FE block (easy to make a 390 IIRC), radiator is good as far as I know. It ran good enough to get it on the trailer, the 2bbl is in need of a rebuild.
  17. Time for parking lot fun.....
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