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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Lustalbert

    To =od

    TO = Media slut. What is this shit "It was a reaction with the supplements I was taking" I belive there is a medical term for that TO. Its called "Overdose"
  2. Don't worry, we will be paying over $3 again. Just waiting on Chavez or the Iatola to spook the investors again.
  3. Yes, repost http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=28736
  4. If only this was from Kentucky or WV. Then I would assume he was trying to get his date drunk.
  5. RIP (edit). Fade to black followed by call of the kutulu cranked up right now.
  6. Lustalbert

    To =od

    What a failure. He should just kill himself. Oh, wait......
  7. http://members.tripod.com/dragsite/id5.htm Some basics from the IHRA rulebook. Ill be bringing the 2006 NHRA rulbook with me as well.
  8. Norris would never be president. He has no patience for such petty things.
  9. Tank chair FTW. Ill take mine with the aditional turret option.
  10. http://www.brunching.com/pornorpony.html 10 of 12
  11. She never even drives it hard. I guess the hollow sway bars had this prolem.
  12. Hopefully natural selection will do its job on this guy. Like pulling that stunt on a semi.
  13. Wifes car did this. End of the sway bay was cracked in half. Coulndt see it untill you took the tie rod end off.
  14. Classic! 7. The huge camoflage vehicle has right of way. Especially when it points its main gun at you.
  15. Every time he shifted I felt like it was a double barrel shoty unloading both at the same time. Nice.
  16. My car used to have a 5.0 in it.....
  17. Most action those dweebs have had all year.
  18. Wow. I think that was the first email I forwarded back in 1995.
  19. How big of a guppy are we working with here? Appetizer, or main course?
  20. So I can't bring a frying pan and some beer batter?
  21. Beat me to it. Paw with a pair of pliers, and a wad of chew'n tabacky to plug the hole.
  22. I am not overly framiliar with the 6.5L fuel pumps, have you checked the wires that go to the fuel cut switch? Perhaps it is not making good contact, is starting to grow some corosion, or is getting oil on a contact.
  23. Lustalbert

    Dyno Graph

    big turbo, blew a hole in the hose or intercooler when it started to spool up? I doubt diesel, 6300 rpm is spinning the wee out of an oil burner.
  24. Why, will a zo6, a cobra, and Chuck Norris be racing 3 wide?
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