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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Clearly MINI, Land Rover, and Jaguar are the most reliable cars on the planet because they had 0 reported instances of lemons :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:
  2. Now I know what my parents felt like when I was 13 years old thinking I was the shit and they would respond with "you know what I mean" when I'd argue about the etymology of the word "be" and how it would affect my understanding of the phrase "be home by 12".
  3. Full disclosure: I sell FIAT and Alfa Romeo for a living. You'd be amazed at how many people misunderstand the meaning of "lemon". Asking users to self-declare cars as lemons, whether or not they were bought back under lemon law, is laughable. I refuse to believe Porsche is so far down the list. They have been among the top quality vehicles produced for a while now. EDIT: After more digging, AutoGuide's parent company VerticalScope is also the parent company of TTAC. Credibility = 0
  4. I don't see a problem here, the Honda Maxima R is well known outside the U.S. and maybe the owner's initials are AMG.
  5. Smart move by the FBI releasing the video so quickly. Pretty clearly shows a series of events that justify their actions. If all they wanted to do was shoot a guy, they had plenty of opportunities to do so without putting their own lives in danger with a roadblock. A quick summary of the undeniable facts as shown in the video: - Finicum drives straight at the roadblock and at the last moment attempts to get around it - Finicum comes extremely close to hitting an agent to the side of the roadblock, an act which is often considered attempt to kill/injure an LEO with a deadly weapon - Finicum exits the car with his hands up, but clearly and repeatedly lowers his hands, for reasons known only to him (though everyone can speculate, that's not fact-based) - Finicum is shot, possibly by multiple officers, but in an extremely less-than-ideal position, as there is a chance that an errant shot by LEOs would hit one of their colleagues as the LEO in the woods was nearly 180 degrees around Finicum from his colleagues in the roadblock. As I understand, LEOs will not fire in this situation unless 1) they're incompetent or 2) it's an absolute last resort in what they believe is a life-or-death situation because they're putting their colleagues at risk. I believe this roadblock was set up by SWAT and FBI so option 1 is less likely. Bottom line; if you don't want to get shot by the police, don't try to run them over and give them reasons to shoot you.
  6. Everyone knows Earth is a hexagonal prism for maximum efficiency
  7. yeah that's a whole other can of worms of course, seems that every place that legalizes and regulates the sex industry to keep it as safe as possible does ok. oh well, U.S. has tinder
  8. Honestly why do people even fuck with tinder? I would rather pay a whore for A) the higher likelihood of finding a 9 or 10, B) lower likelihood of STDs, C) way less crazy, and D) they get the fuck out when you give them the money and pick up the damn phone if you want some more hole without all the goddamn games. Disclaimer: I've never been on tinder nor have I ever paid for sex.
  9. Been playing it on PC, I find it extremely entertaining. I'm not usually interested in games like this for very long but for some reason I've really enjoyed this one. IMO it has a good grasp on the movies and it feels very cinematic.
  10. Fucking dickbags. Let me guess, a credit criminal who couldn't get his credit union to finance it?
  11. I'm one of those people with a semi-worthless but expensive piece of paper. I'm 28, graduated 08-09 during the worst of the recession in terms of hiring, and found myself in a similar industry, though in the sales side. I just bought a bunch of materials to help me study for the LSAT which I'm aiming to take in June or September (depends how much work I need to do to get ready). My advice would be to think about what interests you and what would keep your interest. If you like cars but working on them in your current capacity bores you, think about what would excite you. Would designing them excite you? Would working in the build process excite you? Would you not be excited in this field no matter what? Honestly just think about your skills and qualities and what you seemingly work on without working on. For me that's my debate skills. I've always enjoyed debate of any kind, and for me the car sales negotiation process satisfies that desire but not to the degree I want, which is why I'm looking to make a change. Practicing law can give me the opportunity to leverage my analytical skills as well as the joy I get from debate and negotiation if I work hard at it. Whatever you do, don't go back to school for a B.A. Get a B.S. or nothing at all.
  12. It's likely they may under-produce or simply make it a short term production vehicle like the BMW 1M.
  13. If anyone has any preorders still open, you could easily buy it and immediately resell it and get your money back.
  14. this doesn't even make any sense but i lost it either way :lolguy:
  15. Looks like a Hyundai Genesis Coupe got raped by a Jaguar while an Aston Martin filmed it and then submitted to World Star. EDIT: The more I look at it, the more derivative it looks to me. It's like they got a committee of people together to come up with a list of things that are "in" right now in car design and just slapped them all together on the damn thing
  17. I think they're changing the nomenclature to "Pacifica" going forward (because someone at FCA brought in special brownies when they were choosing names) but a Pacifica Hellcat would be top of my list. I don't care if it handles exactly like a van, I want the ultimate sleeper and that'd be it. Plus you could scare the shit out of 7 of your friends instead of just 4.
  18. People have been sending them didlos and glitterbombs nonstop apparently.
  20. It's not about you. It's about other motorists, insurance companies, etc. Let's say you and I get into an accident. Slight fender bender, I rearend you in your Elio. Let's say there's a fire and you get trapped in the car. Or I break your back and paralyze you. I don't want to get sued by your family for negligent homicide/injury because YOU decided to drive a car that got you killed/hurt. Would you deem it reasonable for insurance companies to determine that an Elio is an extremely high risk vehicle due to the complete lack of safety equipment despite the fact that it can drive like a car? I'm sure people wouldn't be fans of paying $200/month insurance premiums for a $7k car, that would probably sink the company. I fully support the NHTSA in this matter. While Elio has constantly called it a "vehicle" for this reason, everyone refers to it as a "car". Hell, even that link refers to it as a car. It should be regulated as one.
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