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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If it's faster than an STi or Evo, probably worth that price yeah. Will wait until supply catches up to demand though.
  2. I have Project Cars, may get into iRacing once I get this wheel.
  3. Completely unrelated to OP but this made me think of something I saw today http://greenbay.craigslist.org/cto/5390417916.html
  4. I normally don't read CNN's tabloid bullshit but this is brilliant and awesome in every way. Ranchers likely response: "We took this land from you fair and square" without a hint of irony.
  5. Thanks for all the feedback fellas! I think a G27 with a modded brake setup is what I'll end up with. using the Formula cars in Project Cars I felt like it was actually a very accurate sim EXCEPT for his stock brake pedal, which offered no feeling whatsoever.
  6. Boss got me hooked on his sim racing rig, I'm hoping to pick up a G27 or something similar quality around $200. They were on sale for $200 on amazon right before the holidays but they sold out before I could order. Anyone got something similar? Primarily interested in PC compatibility, with PS3/4/XBox compatibility a secondary concern.
  7. You think if they were all wearing turbans this would be playing out the same?
  8. An armed occupation of a federal building by anyone other than white men would be dealt with quite differently.
  9. Love mine (and my fiancee's...yeah we're that couple) too, but definitely no good in the backseat space category. How about Hyundai Genesis? Not going to be as "fun" as a lot of other options, but nothing else in the price range will touch the amount of creature comforts and overall ride quality, nor will anything else remotely have as much space. Also you can get it with a V8 and RWD.
  10. Take away one car salesman, add one lawyer, I call it a wash :gabe:
  11. Awesome, thanks much for the input When I was in college I was directly headed for a career in the CIA or the State Dept. I was placed with an academic advisor who was a CIA recruiter due to my interest and HS academics, but I decided early on that CIA was not for me, I would have had to drop everything to intensely study Arabic or Russian and frankly, I probably didn't have the follow-through at the time to make it through their recruiting process. Obviously 10 years later I'm a bit more mature and have a much stronger work ethic. As for the State Dept, a lot of my peers went on to careers in the State Dept and they were all people I genuinely have no desire to work for or with ever. Then again, things change and maybe that wouldn't be the craziest idea now.
  12. Very much appreciated Clay as always your insight proves invaluable. Will start looking more into that than local law schools
  13. Yes and no. I could stay in the car industry but I'd have to find my way to the corporate level, or I'd have to own my own dealership. Even still, it's ultimately a retail environment and I don't know if I want to work in a retail sales world for the next 40 years. Obviously there are a billion ways to practice law, but my academic background would certainly steer me towards international and political law. I'm fine with that. I'm interested in that. I didn't hate school, I just didn't care about what I was doing so I didn't apply myself to it. EDIT: and to apply that question to a career in law...yeah, anyone who knows me would say I would be happy spending the next 40 years arguing and negotiating as a lawyer
  14. Some of you may know, I'm currently in car sales. I don't see myself doing this for a long term career, I've been at it for 5 years and while the daily challenge is invigorating and exciting, there is IMO no long-term challenge on the horizon and that bores me. I've always had a penchant for debate, in the last 5 years I've honed my negotiation skills, and as a car salesman I'm clearly ok working in a field that people consider subhuman, like lawyers and politicians. To that end, I'm 28 years old now and if I'm going to make a drastic decision like pursuing a law degree, I feel as though I cannot wait to make that decision. My undergrad degree is in International Relations with a focus on foreign policy & security studies. I slacked off big time in college and my GPA suffered into the mid 2.XX range. Obviously I'd have to start studying immediately for the LSAT, and I don't want to take on a ridiculous amount of debt so I'd be looking at Moritz @ OSU. Is there anyone on the board who has experience, or who could point me to someone that could shed light on if this is a real possibility for me? I'm not afraid of hard work, and I thrive on overwhelming challenges. I'm just curious if anyone knows someone who decided to pursue a similar path at a similar time in their life. TL;DR am I crazy for considering studying/taking the LSAT and going back to school to get a law degree at the age of 28?
  15. Have seen this car multiple times in person and diggity damn it's beautiful in every way. Someone's gonna get a really nice Merc outta this deal.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/Richardson-K-9-139132722800503/ Craig Richardson. My best friend's family has always taken their dogs to him, when my fiancée and I moved in together my 1 stipulation was that she take her Italian Greyhound/Miniature Pinscher mix to Craig to get trained. Pete (the dog) was loud, had a really nasty habit of biting anyone that went near my lady if she even looked asleep or tired, and he constantly ran away if you left the front door open for .08 seconds. IIRC Craig is a retired Marine and his knack for discipline is immediately noticed by dogs. Pete was immediately shaking the moment he was in Craig's presence because he knew he was about to get schooled. Several weeks and a few training sessions later, Pete was responding to sit, stay, and down. Every so often his instinct to chase a squirrel will kick in and he'll try to escape from the open door but a loud, firm "PETE" and he stops in his tracks and looks back apologetically at me. Craig does training for therapy/handicap assistance dogs, and I'm not sure if he still does but I believe he used to train K9 Officers as well. Seriously, Craig Richardson is the only person you need to call. Guy is a freaking ace at what he does.
  17. every day i get a little closer to accepting lol
  18. Over 300 views and no cash offers? C'mon folks I know you are all swimming in Christmas money.
  19. This.. the movie is loud as fuck
  20. For the love of all that is holy, PLEASE do not be the person who brings a talkative 2 year old to a PG-13 movie.
  21. Good to know. And yeah, I can't believe a Gungan and a Wookie could produce a Solo but that's what sci-fi is all about I guess
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