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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Shit won't work, never does. Anyone who receives a bailout should have to fire their entire board to get it. Period. Crazy people get things right, every now an again. He is where he belongs, he can get more done there, anyways.
  2. .... not looked like a man in the first place: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1722333.ece
  3. They are planning on bringing over the Fiesta, just not the diesel. Our fuel suxor.
  4. I wanted something dramatic to say, so I pulled that out of my ass. k?
  5. party line vote? Riiiight. Post up the bill number and the vote results. . . . Having trouble? Oh snap bitches; IT WAS NEVER VOTED ON. MIKE SITS ON A THRONE OF LIES! Seriously, that second-to-last paragraph is full of BS wording meant to mislead. Everybody, on both sides of the aisle, voted to keep money available to prospective home owners. "OMG THE LIBERALZ VOTED..!" well so did your GOP goons. Teh reality of it was, after the lobbyists got through with it, the bill had no teeth whatsoever, and was essentially a waste pf paper. The miracle fix-all document that your pundit describes never existed. Yes, your PUNDIT. The man who wrote that is a campaign adviser for John McCain and performed the same job for W Bush Lastly, those two banks have been under the federal microscope since Clinton.
  6. Hey look http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/09/22/america/22mccain.php Nobody is clean.
  7. Akshully that is the root of many of our problems. Imagine "spy v spy" where neither of the spies die when they're hit, but rather, America dies a bit instead.
  8. So in summation, you're saying "HEY DON'T LOOK AT THAT OVER THERE, LOOK AT THIS IRRELEVANT THING OVER HERE! LOOK! LOOK!" Stay on topic; regulation. Given who's on your side of the aisle, do you really want to get into the topic of financial scandals and fiscal failure? Do you? Do you realy? He brought up something actually related to the topic: The fact that the "Conservatives" keep rolling back laws and regulations, many of which were put in place after the great depression to prevent it from happening again. It began with Reagan and has only gotten worse.
  9. In 2004, SEC exempted five firms from required capital/debt ratio regulations. They are: Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. Coincidence? http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2008/09/regulatory-exem.html
  10. Shawnee state park, as rough as it gets in this here state.
  11. http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=5829728&page=1
  12. Depends on what the scrappers are getting for their metals.... ...which is determined by who is using their metals... ...and no one in the slumping US industrial sector is buying alot of scrap metals. If you want prices to go up, go out and buy something made of recycled metal.
  13. It's macroeconomics, but you're right, it doesn't need to be filed away with the crap.
  14. Nope, both of them will do it. The problem with capitalism is, people are stupid.
  15. Not cool enough for Gmail.
  16. LOL at those vids. The reason she has been sheltered until now is becauseth GOP has been cramming shit down her throught to get her ready for those kinds of questions. She plain as shit doesn't know anything[/i] outside of her own state, and apparently she didn't study hard enough over the last month. She is evasive because she can't answer the question. She should have studied under Bill Clinton (ha! under!), then she might actualy be good ad dodging.
  17. No one is spending, because we can't really afford to. Fuel and basic costs of living are absorbing the funds that normally went to buy nice things that stimulated the economy. The banks that have hit bottom did so because of sub-prime lending risks biting them in the ass.
  18. I thought I started it at the bottom?
  19. I didn't even look at all the pics, and you're taking the time to read the article? Weirdo. Tell us about your neighbors. I swear to god, if they're crime fighting mutants, I'll punch you in the stomach.
  20. No one else is turned on by the use of 1/2 thick make up to cover acne? FAGS!
  21. Bwhahaahhaha that's why I post this shit!
  22. I'm not sayin nuthin till she's at least 16, the popa are stalking early
  23. lol never fails, some one chimes in defending anyone charged with street racing; "Well we don't know he was racing...". this is why it's in the kitchen. It says "During a street race", not "Police suspect he was street racing". Money says there were witnesses.
  24. ...it's never for anything good. Ever notice? http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail;jsessionid=06D40D9C50494A073E905F050D6FFC64?contentId=7442467&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
  25. Fuxin rally driver pilot, I'd fly with him any day.
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