I swear to fucking god todays "miracle of daily travel" is aboslute bullshit. "You hous be happy, within a day you can fly anywhere in the world!"
My last air excursion (my first in over 10 years) saw two fucking flight cancellations for broken planes. Once on the way out, and once onthe way back, broken fucking planes. On the way back, the flight I eventually got was PACKED with angry people from ANOTHER broken plane.
Now, this past sunday, wifes 8am flight to Denver became a 5 FUCKING PM flight to Denver! 8 hour delay because of a fucking broken plane, we thought that was bad.
Just got a call from her, same fucking trip, same fucking United Airline, FUCKING CANCELLED AGAIN! ANOTHER broken plane on the same fucking trip! This delay; 24 hours!
"Oh, but we concern ourself with your safety" Suck my nuts fuckers! I like safety, but don't fucking commit your shitty ass fleet of busted planes to ridgid fucking schedules that people rely on!
Elena is in Montrose Colorado, lets do some math:
Total time invested in flying out there: 15 hours
Total time invested in coming back: 30 hours
Time needed to drive there round trip: 38 hours
Miracle of flight my ass.