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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. I have to unplug the power supply till it's lil green light shuts off, then plug it back in and it fires back up.
  2. Cuban Missle Crisis. He stopped WWIII when almost everyone else wanted us in it. If there had been a shooting war with the USSR none of us would be here today beacuse, at best, our folks would have never met and fucked. Win or lose, the US would not have survived a war with the USSR. And some call him a coward.
  3. chopped from what? lol If I could do that, it'd have been a far more rediculous pic.
  4. 450 lb ft, does he tow alot of houses?
  5. pre-92 benz's ftw DJ, they dont die. Get yourself a healthy 450 SEL 6.9. Lotsa motor. http://www.cobrateam.ch/images/benz11.jpg
  6. Thank you. Try to show some fucking respect. If you're less then 40 years old you owe the man nothing short of your very lives. Discuss
  7. http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/9792/fly4ur.jpg Too bad I couldn't get him at apogee
  8. Are you fucking kidding me? Its a child at his fathers funeral.
  9. I know that. The proccessor isn;t hot when I start up, it's getting hot as I run the computer (I think). Is there a way to check it on-the-fly?
  10. I think it's getting hot and safety'ing itself off. How, tith XP pro, do I check my temp? I could do it with 98 and 95, does this version have it?
  11. I haven't, and I've never taken a class. Why? I've "played" with knives my whole life. Beleive me, having it in your hands every day teaches you everything you need to know about using it. How to hold it comes naturaly with holding it. A cook does alot of cuts, requiring many different holds. all one has to do is put the two together, I wanna cut this guy in this way, 1+1 = slit. Add to that a potentialy unstable Jarhead psycie that may or may not have dreamed of that moment his entire professional life, he gunna kill Jodie damnit, gunna kill'm good. That being said, stabbing some one who jumps you is so easy a blind one-armed monkey with downsindrome could do it. Offing the shotgun was rather impressive though, he's got kajones.
  12. oooohh yeah, lots of $5000 parts. It's not a one off engine, but it isn't all that common. Actualy, the bimmer V12s seem to be on ebay all the time, none have gone for too much. Its the other stuff that kills you, computers, the auto trannies, etc. Get a 6 speed and you'll love life. DD = get an old benze. ftw
  13. fuckin A I had the bike-helicopter.
  14. Take solace brothers, Fast and Furious tokYO drift will be out soon, and they'll all go to parking carages just like in the movie. Cant wait for the news stories then.
  15. doooood pictures!!!! thats hilarious!
  16. I entered this thread with an answer to your question... then I read your post, and realized you want a plate of steel, not steel plating. Odly enough I have no idea where to get 1/4" sheet steel localy, just know that when you ask for steel plating you'll be refered to a proccess, not a product. If you want to have it plated, I've got a phone# of a local joint.
  17. Of the 4, which spends more time with a knife?
  18. I have about 10" of fat tube I use to pitch tents. Home depot, 1/2" aluminum tubing for a couple bucks each, 36" lengths. PVC is going to wobble a hell of a lot. If you go to a hobby shop that's kind to RC plane builders, they'll have carbon fiber rods, 1/8" and strong as steel but stiffer, for $7 per 40" length. And again, I'd like to make refreance to my phallus....look at my penis.
  19. I'm not exactly sure what kind of inconsiderate and insensitive jack ass would create such an ad, but that was FUCKING HILARIOUS!
  20. supposedly in the wee hours of yesterday morining a fella chose suicide by guardrail on the 71 ramp to 270. Anyone know more?
  21. BAH WEEP GRAH NA NINI BONG!!! Optimus Prime is a Semi Truck, now, forever and for eternity. And they'd better have the "KAAAGAAAWAUUWAAAAAHK" sound effect when they transform.
  22. I'd be more worried about foliage and things clinging to it. You've also got to make sure nothing follows you when you pull your canoe out.
  23. It's easy to find, just follow the Hershey Highway.
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