This man has no clue how a buisness environment works, nor does he take pride in anything he does. If he did, he'd realize that even the few and far between insignificant crap needs adressed.
This would be hilarious if it weren't sad. The bad publicity would be unfortunate if it was anything remotely credible.
Personaly, I seriously will not take anyones bad experience with a 3si with a huge grain of salt. Everyone I know who has ever tried to do anything serious with those cars, no matter who they took it to, has had nothing but trouble with them. Your experience with the shop wasn't an acception, it's the norm. If youdont like frustration, dont try to mod a 2-ton AWD car who's engine is crammed in tighter then an Egyptian pyramid block.
But, I will also state that Jeff PR skillz are lacking. Though it was an entertaining read, you've realy got to be on your professional game at alltimes. Squeaky wheels get attention, dont forget it.
Of course, if you ran IPS on a firm and unwaivering buisness model, you wouldn't have let him take the car untill payment was made in full. You had every legal right to sit on that car until everything was paid up. The finacial screw around completely negates the legitimacy of any argument you could put forward, Jeremy. They had difficulty tuning a hackjob car, you outright stiffed them on a significant amount of cash.
Interesting fact from the "quality sciences", which is my trade. Per most accepted statistics and standards of inspection, assembly, production, etc etc misc actions, a human being can only be expected to find 88% of the faults in a given system or object. This means that everyone makes mistakes. compare the number of positive experiences to the number of negative ones (that were actualy the fault of the shop) and I bet you'll find a ratio far better then 9:10.