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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/non-scooby-related-4/831924-went-to-the-beach-today-and-look-who-i-bumped-into.html
  2. Read up on your neighborhood geology befor eyou buy a house. http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/05/11/massive-sinkhole-swallows-home-in-quebec-family-of-four-missing/ (landslide, not a real sinkhole like we have all over Dublin)
  3. http://media.audiojunkies.com/lolmetal-lol-death-metal-rock-funny.jpg http://skatehardretard.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/metalgoat.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1024/577733198_8c2fff728d.jpg?v=0 http://kyon.pl/static/img/remiq.net_4709.jpg http://johngushue.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/07/13/god_listens_to_slayer.jpg
  4. http://cdn-www.cracked.com/phpimages/article/8/2/9/22829.jpg?v=1
  5. This is true, but "as suspect drives away" was not gun in your face. Yes, he was still "keyed up", but he's responcible for the 8 shots that went somewhere they shouldn't have. He's lucky that "went somewhere" wasn't "went into someone" they should have. We pay them to be better at handling their firearms than us, I see no problem with holding him to a higher standard.
  6. You homo's never saw Wayne's World? http://www.freewebs.com/poultry_leet/wayne.JPG What the hell were you watching in 1992, Alladin?
  7. I'm going straight to hell for laughing at that... ok that's not the only reason.
  8. "Jessop thought he'd fired seven or eight rounds. It turned out he'd fired 14. Six bullets hit Davis' vehicle." He was right in shooting, but I'd send him back to the range before I put him back on job.
  9. "... and a horrible shot, I mean he missed on purpose." What a fucking stupid way to die. I can only imagine what a pivotal keystone of society that guy was.
  10. Now picture the story unfolding before you on the highway: Hillbilly on top of a van, riding a mattress like Falcor, when it takes off into the sky and flips end-over-end, flinging him onto the unforgiving asphalt, while possibly screaming "Yee Haw".
  11. http://www.cracked.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/pitch.jpg Article: http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-downsides-to-working-with-sponsors/
  12. And by that I mean, thousands of people will laugh at the way he got himself killed: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/W/WI_VAN_FALL_DEATH_WIOL-?SITE=WIKEN&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=ap_content_popup.html
  13. I have no idea who the vast majority of them are. None of them have done anything worthy of international attention... maybe the ones with the MRS degree in politics.
  14. Yeah keep me posted. I haven't taken any river trips locally, logistics just doesn't work out when alone.
  15. True, and I love my plastic canoe. I have beating the crap out of it and it shows no wear at all. Flipping it end-over-end in some waves is an annual tradition. Evan: Craigslist. Look for one there, they're all over.
  16. In his defense, it's scrap metal held together with dreams. Better than I think I could do. But this is more impressive: http://gizmodo.com/5020937/chinese-diy-helicopter-is-the-culmination-of-10-years-of-ingenuity-possible-mental-illness
  17. http://gammasquad.uproxx.com/2010/04/guy-builds-his-own-lamborghini When I clicked the link, I was expecting to find more than a guy armed only with a MIG and a yard stick. Neat project, though.
  18. Hummer has fielded an entry every year... hasn't finished one yet, I don't think. may be Robby Gordon's fault.
  19. The race trucks or the Buchers? That rally trucks use the "stock configuration", but that's all one can say about it. lol
  20. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1278340/
  21. ... Because we have roads. The driving force behind the marketing of those trucks is a total lack of infrastructure. If you were to build them here, you'd go out of buisness because hillbilly lottery-winners won't support the margins you need.
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