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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. I have one bit of sympathy for the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (none for the leadership): You and I grew up in the nuclear age. We had Red Dawn, we had movies, we had this stuff in our text books, you may even remember having drills at school. Nuclear power was a reality, we had seen it, it was a part of our environment. Back in 1945, it was a fantasy. I am in no way surprised that our first warning was ignored, that it was met with calls of BS. A nuclear weapon wasn't just a "more powerful bomb". It was and increase in power by an unmeasurable order of magnitude.... ok, "megatons" makes it measurable. Point being; it would be like a world full of model A fords, and you claiming yu were going to bring a 12sec car to the strip next week. "Bullshit, such a thing doesn't exist! What the hell is "fuel injection"?" That is what the threat of a nuclear weapon was. They called BS on us, 4 kilotons in one lil bomb was utterly ridiculous.... until we dropped one. Even after that, they didn't think we had another one, which was totally their fault. Al Quaida saying their sorry fixes nothing, it's still an atrocity... you just supported/exceeded my point, maybe you want to go edit that. How about this, Mowgli; I concess that we didn't *need* to apologize. If your read back over this thread, I never said that we *had* to apologize. I'm saying that no one should ever criticize us for doing so. If we really are the best country in the word, the greatest nation that ever was, why shouldn't we have the nads to say "sorry bout that"? To bring the pain and have the ethical fortitude to say that "we regret that so many had to die for you guys to get the point" is honorable. As long as you're only talking about the Pacific, sure. Many other nations sacrificed greatly in the pacific theater, but we made the push that forced the Japs back to their mainland. If you're referring to the European theater as well.... our boys did an outstanding job, numerous family members of mine fought in that war, but the Soviets out-killed us by almost 4:1. The single largest military mobilization in the history of humanity had nothing to do with the Western front, and the the Soviet buried 20 times more soldiers than we did. The war was won in the east. They also raped their way through Berlin (literally), which brings us back to the "it's ok if WE do it" mentality.
  2. Would you like to get into semantics? That was an act of war, and war is what they got. They killed 2300 of our military and 57 civilians. That does not compare to 350,000. Invading Japan and engaging everything that fought back would have been very costly, but that would have been war, that would have been "finishing what they started". We nuked two cities that weren't military targets. We did it for the sole purpose of shocking the Japanese into surrender... just like certain other groups these days take gobs of civilian lives to shock governments into doing what they want. That's an uncomfortable analogy, isn't it? You're saying it'd be a perfectly acceptable act of war to nuke Boston in order to get us to give up fighting somewhere.... unless you think we're allowed to do things simply because we are us. If you want to find yourself in a shitty country under psychopathic rule, just keep going around saying "It's only ok if we do it." Imagine a country run by Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, with Pat Roberson as the secretary of defense. I'm just saying that it was ok to apologize for nuking two cities full of oblivious people. I'm off for the weekend, have fun with this.
  3. Yeah, we know this.... and that means we shouldn't apologize why? "Sorry bro, we tried to warn you." Your thought is we should have just said "Fuck you and the babies we deformed, we warned you twice"....?
  4. You have a problem with us acting like the proverbial better man? We vaporized 120,000 civilians in an instant, and brought a slow and horrific death to a quarter million more. I have no problem with apologizing for that. Pictured: "Sorry bout that" http://denverpost.slideshowpro.com/albums/001/496/album-101361/cache/pacific105.sJPG_950_2000_0_75_0_50_50.sJPG?1272640981 If you can apologetically rip the lives from 350,000 people, relinquish your title as a human being and proceed to the soilent green factory. If you ever creat a successful formula for eye-bleach, test it on medical photo's of A-bomb survivors.
  5. Gobs of photos: http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2010/03/18/captured-blog-the-pacific-and-adjacent-theaters/
  6. Aren't Guzzi's longitudinally mounted? Edit.
  7. "Goldammer Cycle Works" Thanks for the Google'in tip. http://www.goldammercycle.com/
  8. http://www.sportscardigest.com/wp-content/gallery/mario-righini-collection/mario-righini-collection-75.jpg Why is that Maserati stuffed in a corner Unrestored!!!!!!!
  9. Saw it in the Garage thread, what is it? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2568/4109908647_f0b78562ab_o.jpg
  10. I hope I'm never so full of cash that such beautiful creations become an accessory in an interior decorated "garage". Garages are work spaces, not showcases, and that fucking rhymes. Never own more than you can drive, these are machines that are works of art because they function.
  11. I'll take 2: Seems like a damned reasonable truck, probably cheap as hell, too.
  12. Comedy Central is pretty much jsut trying to keep Trey Parker and Matt Stone (and their families) from getting themselves killed. Without them, there would be no South Park. I think they should air the episodes, and the CIA and NSA should each devote a special devision to protecting the Southpark staff. Defend the 1st amendment.
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2010/04/26/world/international-us-russia-weapon.html?_r=2 Reasonably priced and portable. Reminds me of our old Peacekeeper Rail system, minus the nuke.
  14. I missed this, does anyone know where I can find it online?
  15. Shame that's total BS. "Meaty in all the right places" doesn't happen without surgery, female fat just doesn't grow like that.
  16. lol a "Civet" is an actual thing: http://www.lexphoto.co.uk/blogimages/civet%20that%20came%20to%20thecamp.jpg
  17. Paging Anthony to the article: I didn't know they were related.
  18. http://www.1010wins.com/Brooklyn-Teacher-Gets-Stolen-Car-Back--All-Souped-/6886043 Some one, some where has got to have taken a picture of this thing.....
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