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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. IIRC the membership comes with a subscription to GRM, the gift that keeps on giving.
  2. If it passes tech, it's suitable. I knew a guy who tracked a Saturn because his toy car broke the week before. There is no car on earth in which this would not be fun. And don't worry about being embarasingly slow, either... if this is your first outing, you'll be embarasingly slow no matter what you drive. Best to drive 3 minute laps in a Fiesta rather than a Vette.
  3. Look, another badass benz and a tunnel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXTtneCLK88
  4. Register: https://www.nasaproracing.com/event/1058 Should note that you need a membership to do the Hyperdrive, which is around $40. Compare to NTR: If you have a 12 sec car, that the same amount of track time as 100-150 passes. If you some how manage 10 passes at a test'n'tune (usually closer to 5), it will take you 10 to 15 events to match that amount of track time... which is $150-$225 in entry fees. On the other hand, you will spend a hundred hours waiting in the staging lanes, which we all love.
  5. $59 for the one-session "Hyper Drive".
  6. NASA registration is open, get in while the gettin' is good.
  7. Close enough to me to drag the cougar aout there.
  8. How about a size smaller; 27"? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72614 $75 obo
  9. When I saw "loop the loop", I thought it meant some other stunt. It never crossed my mind that they were going to do a pipe.
  10. Do want... though I'm disappointed I waited through that video for some BS special effects. This is better: The exhaust sounds... like crap. Better in the cabin than outside. I'll take something in black any day, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TigPt8eVYc&feature=fvw I love how even they call it a "Black" series and not schwarz
  11. Ummm... good follow-through. I cant imagine why anyone would do that, I'd be surprised if it was drivable at any sort of speed.
  12. Looks like the car was already damaged, maybe rolled. Epic fail, though.
  13. http://cheezfailbooking.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/funny-facebook-txt-haiti.png?w=546&h=755
  14. Buckeye lake is so shallow you could pull a skier with nothing but a lift and huge tires.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2010-SEAWOLF150-CONVERSION_W0QQitemZ130365406782QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item1e5a623e3e
  16. I only shovel so I can build snow forts. We've got a big parking pad, so I can get a faily ssizable pile going. This shit was too heavy, though. It's half slush down here, I need dynamite to dig a tunnel now that's it's frosen.
  17. Bring it on, I love being the only person in this town that's able to function.
  18. Seems to be well executed, though I question the durability and stability.
  19. Tungsten is the heaviest thing you can buy that isn't lead or gold... or radioactive, why is it a watch? lol What's that rectangle up there on the far left?
  20. Best to just find a picture of the tool first. If the notches on the back are devisible by three, you can just get one of these. I actually made a tool for my Bulova out of a hunk of brass, used a file.
  21. Hey neat, people speaking SouthAfrikaansiDutchlish. Those people aren't hunters; hunters don't use bait, hunters don't outnumber their prey, and hunters don't lower their weapons. They're exterminators, at best. The guy in the first video almost got his foot blown off by the kill shot. Watch it again.
  22. I'm down in Cincy, I don't remember hearing about this. Even if it hit just right, getting a round object that far through a steel unibody take a shitload of speed. He was driving fast and hit a slick patch. Thank got he's a Camaro owner, and thus had no friends.
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