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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Buy them by friday or they're going to new jersey: http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6859/img0073rp.jpg
  2. Anything that plays Mortal Kombat is cool: http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/masters-of-lightning-play-mortal-kombat-theme-on-musical-tesla-coils
  3. http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/crime/archives/2010/01/sacramento-susp.html Out of the pan and into the frikin sun.
  4. Sounds like a resounding "fuck that shit", thanks fella's! I'm heading to North Conway NH from C'bus. There is a bit of a by-pass that will get me to Hartford with only a couple of extra miles gained: 81 to 84 starting in PA.
  5. I'm plotting out a route of travel, and the shortest route takes me through here: http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/756/mapoj.jpg I'll be passing through around midnight, so I'm not worried about traffic. What I want to know is: How much will it cost me? I know there are tolls all over, and IIRC there might be a tax for driving in Manhattan (the whole 1/4mi that I'll be there).
  6. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/volusia_news/010210_Man_uses_baby_as_taser_shield Keep it classy, Orlando.
  7. Don't know why I rented it, I need to buy it.
  8. Runing list of stuff without HFC: http://highfructosehigh.com/no-hfcs/
  9. I said Fructose is not Glucose, that's all. It's a direct quote from Dr. Lustig.
  10. And get a scattershield. Not to sound like anyone's dad, but do you have any idea how fucking dangerous that shit is? Why would you put that much power and mods into something that makes that much power and is GOING to be driven aggressively and not get a basic safety feature? Because you've never met a footless old NHRA driver. Here's a clutch explosion with fewer lolz: http://www.break.com/index/frightening-car-crash-into-crowd.html
  11. If your girlfreind can do that, chances are she's not just your girlfriend.
  12. HFC is not really sugar, it's not glucose, and your body processes it differently than sugar. Eating large amounts of both has the same effects, the difference is the way that HFC runs through your plumbing, it ends up in a place where it's harder to get rid of. It also stimulates the production of stuff that sugar does not. Glucose is unhealthy, Fructose is a poison.
  13. People, watch the video, it contains valuable stuff you don't know. Period. I've read through a great many people saying, essentially; "I don't need to see the video, cuz I already know it's bad", that's not the only point. Cutting out HFC is only about 30% of the lecture. Also, "Why" is always as important, if not MORE important, than "what". Take an hour and a half away from watching house, listenting to rap music, and flash dancing or whatever the fuck kids do these day and watch a smart guy tell you how things work. Another piece of advice: Eli is a sharp chap, and if he says watch it, watch it.
  14. Not normally a fan of Franken, but that's a point that I've been making for years... put to a comic.
  15. Great finds Clay! http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/4633/ducreux1.jpg
  16. I think you mistook "drunk" with "idiot". Idiot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GhPDL3VSo4 Drunk: Drunk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uxb0JHqzlA&feature=fvw Diggity drunk:
  17. ...apparently you can fuck your way through it if you're hot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MGnCp3gbkk&feature=channel I love how "This may be a stupid question" IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A QUESTION.
  18. Hilarious! I punched in "be good at daycare". When santa mentioned daycare, my kids face turned from "having fun" to "SHIT, I'M BUSTED". LOL!
  19. From scratch/raw materials? That replicates all the workings of the real one? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1237180/THE-WIDER-VIEW-Three-years-making-boys-dream--ultimate-home-model-aeroplane.html
  20. http://www.thelocal.de/money/20091223-24147.html That is all.
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