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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. We found beer cans in the tightest, shittiest bit of this cave.
  2. http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5739/buck2ir6.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4260/enterrq0.jpg http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/9549/shineytk4.jpg http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6757/crawllg3.jpg http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/6176/jonmeii4.jpg http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/9595/batci5.jpg http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/676/exitoh0.jpg http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/2406/buck1gi1.jpg Whoops, too deep, found hell.... http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/530/furnacelz2.jpg
  3. http://downlode.org/Creative/Writing/Notebook/Illustrations/itsatrap.jpg
  4. I've been following this since the first mention of his advisers visiting NASA. The article misrepresents what is actually going on.... by that I mean it's horse shit and is blowing things out of proportion. -The transition team is trying to find ways to save money. -NASA is intensely defensive of their products and have "puffed their chests" very large over this. I personally think that the white house should stay the fuck out of NASA's buisness. Just sign the check.
  5. That would probably creep me right the hell out.
  6. You guys have no idea a how uncomfortable that is. I'm surprised he could keep it up with the compromised circulation.
  7. Try paying for the privilege of spending 20hrs/day out in worse weather for fun. I'm just sayin.
  8. You guys are all pussies, buy some real clothes and grow a pair. Go with her next time, Ikea is 8ft from my house.... figuratively speaking.
  9. Ohio hasn't bored me yet, quite the opposite. Most people don't realize how significant our fly-over state is. Plus it's my home and is a strong foundation from which to travel. I can go more places if I start from here.
  10. ... from Germany are as good as most of our sober engineers To quote a friend: "Whatever it takes to keep them from building bombers again."
  11. probably sprayed the doe piss on himself, not counting on running into the Ike Turner of deer.
  12. I must ask: Why? They take compression, no other forces. They don't need precision balance since they're right on the axis. Granted, I'm not just going to stack washers up on the lugs, but it really doesn't need to be rocket science. It's a slab of metal with holes in it. I fully plan to draw one up and send it to one of our metal shops when I get back to work.
  13. Why is it that 5x4.25"~5" sized wheel spacers can be has under $10, but as soon as you want metric it jumps to $70/pr? I just need a pice of 1/4" metal with holes in it, for the love of christ.
  14. Drug lord? lol That's giving her a bit too much credit.
  15. Actually, once you're in international waters, you can have pretty much what-tha-hell-ever you want.
  16. What about hillbilly robots? http://wirelessdigest.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/hillbillybot_1.JPG
  17. Shunned rodents begin period of ethnic clensing!
  18. Why would you need all that? By the looks of this operation, you could secure the seas with a batch of hillbillies in bassboats.
  19. Post them. http://www.cracked.com/article_16891_worst-christmas-ever.html http://www.cracked.com/blog/letters-from-santa/
  20. As skinny as they are, would that be considered center mass?
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