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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Read a book then come back and talk. Hell, there's a number of outstanding television shows with neat CGI animation that tell the tale, OMG ONE WAS EVEN HOSTED BY ROBO COP! Get informed on the past before you compare it to the present that you've have indeed observed. You can't just say "Crusades me all you want...." and expect to avoid the subject. It'd be like saying "Ignoring that whole WWII and Holocaust shit, you can't fault the NAZI's for much. ".....but you don't see Catholics rioting and bombing shit." Because they didn't have bombs. Do you have any idea how many outright massacres there were during the crusades? I mean "Hey, women and children, come hide out here during the battle and you'll be spared... ok, battles done but I'm still feelin' stabby, c'mere!" Christendom has indeed taken on many campaigns centered entirely on wiping out societies and replacing them with their own. They utilized every tool of pain and suffering that was available to them, including biological warfare.
  2. How many preachers et al have uttered the words "righteous" in connection with military actions? yeah, all of them support violence, as long as it's their violence.
  3. lolz They don't count, drinking was involved.
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/3686695/Bible-probably-not-true-says-George-Bush.html Why is he after my approval on his way out of office?
  5. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/navy/images/ssn-709.gif http://blog.erdener.org/archives/images/20040211-710.jpg
  6. A bit better focus, and a brownish glob in it. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/5741/eye8qb3.jpg
  7. Deadbolt, a tight fit = friction fit under windload, that thing aint coming out. I'd be interested to see a car with wings that fold down....?
  8. Totally legit use of company equipment: http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/1944/eyexh5.jpg I'd have had better focus if I weren't tryinig to hold it still, focus, and capture the image with one hand and ony one good eye.
  9. http://gizmodo.com/5060812/terrafugia-transition-flying-car-unbelievably-close-to-reality-going-on-sale-next-year This time, the wings fold up and follow you around, making you look rediculous.
  10. Science Abuse


    http://10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2008/12/08/story_speedway_robbery.html?sid=102 I've said it once, I'll say it again; you're not poor because society was mean to you, you're poor because your dumb as hell.
  11. M677: http://www.offroaders.com/tech/jeep/images/M678-.jpg
  12. Celebrity solitary, he won't be in the General population.
  13. classic: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01080/earth-graphics-200_1080291a.jpg http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01080/earth-graphics-200_1080292a.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1117/1058568572_8c31a2f6a9.jpg http://rofl.wheresthebeef.co.uk/Spider%20Clock.jpg
  14. That's a set from the next Saw movie.
  15. Lets make this the official Arachnophobia thread. Post creepy pics. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/cleptic_monkey/Arachnophobia.png http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/09/12/tawakani_spiders.jpg
  16. Pussy! I say feed it and watch it grow. Maybe it'll grow large enough to take out birds like its Australian cousin.
  17. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/big-prize.gif Not commonly referred to as that, though they are orb weavers. Round the states, they're just "garden spiders" or "corn spiders". I once walked through a web and had one on my face for a second. Life changing, that was.
  18. Gimme a rifle and a chainsaw, and bullets... then gimme your wallet an your car.
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