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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Squirrels working to subvert our democracy! http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2008/oct/30/power-outage-slows-early-voting-indian-river-count/
  2. Betraying your ignorance of: -Human services agencies and their policies -What it is to be poor as shit. -Welfare reform in the past 20 years -Policies set fourth by both campaigns. Rest assured, your federal money wont be going to anyone who doesn't want to better themselves.... with the exception of inmates in federal prisons.
  3. http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/2905/copyofpunkinpv2.jpg
  4. Science Abuse


    Good point. My kid said "brok'u'bama" yesterday, and it kind of disturbed me. We talk politics in the house, but never with nouns. Sex cussing violence politics Should all be at least PG13. I keep that shit out of the house.
  5. "Blowed up real good" is a quote from serious literature.
  6. The still have to ask (file) for it. A noble and admiral deed, but how does that apply to government? Are you advocating forcibly applying what you think is best on people that wont listen? http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/09_03/stalinDM2109_468x551.jpg Yes, it's a hell of a spin.
  7. Werd on da street is, he had a leaky acetolyne tank in the trunk. Dun dun dummmmm.
  8. No, it's not. It's bloody fact. Perhaps your elders have no pride, but most would be angered and humiliated by a grandkid or nephew offering them any kind of financial help whent hey don't need it. This feeling is ESPECIALLY stong among immigrants. You should see me try to pay for dinner when out with the in-laws (Taiwanese). "Oh his brother lives in a shack..." EVERYONE LIVES IN A SHACK over there. Do you have rich relatives? Are mad because they don't shower you with gifts? My aunt was married to a man who sat on the Dial Corp board of directors through their most prosperous years, should we have asked him to fix our heater for us? They're divorced now and each are still bloody rich.
  9. Scotts credibility = zero. Proof that you obviously do zero research before backing some one, simply assuming the Right is the side that's offering you what you want. You need to study up on Obama before you decide you diagree with him. Here's a quote of Obie "not backing" the bill: Yeah, sounds like he hates the idea. Because he believes that making benifits available that early in a soldiers carreer will hurt retention rates. It is a valid point, though I feel it's a good thing to offer the young'ns some college at an earlier age.
  10. Yeah, go to your grandmas house (or any old lady who's busted their ass their whole life) and offer them cash and gifts, see what they say. I almost got slapped for trying not to accept $20 that my grandma wanted to give me for mowing her lawn.
  11. Paying toops that aint killin' is socialism.
  12. Real good: http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=9e4fe2c5-2b62-4db7-92b3-d575dcf55789
  13. yeah jokes are generally implausible, though he actually does get to travel home on occasion to meet his folks.
  14. Stop paraphrasing Lenin! (Your point was proven in 2000 and 2004, though)
  15. Sorry, but I didn't want to make a case for Godwins law so early in the thread.
  16. Supressing the will of the masses to forward your own political motives? Perhaps you guys should be less Stalin-like while calling people communists.
  17. Why would law enforcement need a hidden weapon?
  18. False registrations don't = votes. The imaginary ragistrants that ACORN employees treid to submit to up their commision aren't people, so you don't need to worry about them showing up at the polls. Plus, lines aught to be long enough that no one will have time to vote twice in a day.
  19. Goes deeper than the rest: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1870159.ece I find this very cool.
  20. I didn't put this in the kitchen?....... on purpose?
  21. Never saw a dyke blogger stab her ex lover 222 times with a screwdriver: http://gawker.com/5070765/huffington-post-writer-stabs-lover-222-times
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