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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Try Mothers aluminum polish, it will clean the wheel and polish it very nicely. Obviously aluminum safe. It is not the cheapest and takes some more work than some of the spray ons but is by far the best I have found. Doesn't glass cleaner leave streaks like crazy with the ammonia?
  2. nathan

    Worst Show on TV??

    Interesting you should say queer, since my wife tried to get me to watch queer eye for the straight guy once, but then turned it off cause she thought it was "gay". That has got to be one of the worst shows ever, at least pimp my ride has something to do with cars.
  3. nathan

    Seat Belt help

    try http://www.car-part.com they have several yards that have them in stock, most have pretty good service from what I have found
  4. For my car I use a non-water emulsifier, which is something like the spray and go stuff, it takes off small bits of dirt. I then use meguairs pure polish (7) and sometimes I use a little bit of the scratchX. I place them directly onto the car and rub back and forth, then take another towel and wipe off. The more you do the better it looks. The big thing that can and does go wrong is that the towels get dirt on them, and going in circles will swirl the dirt around. Make sure to have plenty of layers on towel between you and the paint so that there is more even pressure. Finally, once the car is done, you will notice dust on it, especially if it dark. Do you garage the car? If not I would recommend a car cover, only about $40 and it keeps the car much better.
  5. I am looking for someone with the ability to do exhaust work, at a reasonable cost. I have headers, an x-pipe and some flanges already. I can have all supplies, but I need someone who can bend the tubing to go over the axle for my true duals. Please let me know who I could contact about this.
  6. I am assuming that it turns over, but you are not getting fuel? I would check to make sure that the fuel pump relay is okay, you may just not be getting current back to it.
  7. I do not wax, only polish, but my car is mostly a show car. Meguairs has the best priced stuff, the spray and go is great for touch up but would probably not be the best for a whole car application. Remember, back and forth when waxing, not circles to keep those swirl marks away.
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