Here is an idea, run a carfax on the vin and see who the owner is. That should at least get you a name. It could just be the former owner of the dealership, or it could be someone else.
Try veriteq technologies. They are in the weather monitoring business and are generally less than aircraft industry.
I have used some of their stuff in the past. You can use Palm software with it so if it is a remote site you can easily record the data.
Freedom of speech is fine, just don't expect people to not jump all over your ass when you say shit like that. Oh and Ward Churchill is graemlins/supergay2.gif
Try being married and making money. We have a house and still get it. I couldn't image if we had to take the standard deduction. For state if you are married, file separately. The Ohio tax code is a mess and I figured out that we would have paid like $600 if we filed together, but get like $81 back if we file separately.
The PAX unit is $78. This will allow for steering wheel usage. The original CD players are extremely crappy so that is why I would not leave the factory unit in. The speakers on the other hand are actually pretty good. If you can find a DIN 1.5 head unit it will not even need the adapter plate.
Sounds like he lost 3rd and 4th possibly OD too. Try unhooking the battery to reset the computer to see if that helps the problem. The Jet chip would be my next suspect. I am not sure if it affects the shift points on the automatics or not, but I would unplug it to find out. Otherwise sounds like it is an internal problem.
I would agree, unless you told him that he could get his money back. He wants the rims, why else would he have given you money? Think of it more as layaway.
Cleats work fine on the turf, it is pretty much like real grass. Games are on Fridays anywhere from 6:30 to 10:30pm. The league does have 12 teams so this isn't just a pick-up league.
Yes, and it is actually a very nice setup that they have. There is a bar, two fields with the next-gen turf (2 inches long with imbedded shredded rubber), fitness center and a batting cage.
Hey all, I am a captain in this league and we are always interested in growing it to be bigger and better than it is right now. The league is co-ed and has players of all levels from beginners to advanced. If anyone would like to play a game to see if they might be interested in the league I am always in need of subs. Email or PM me if you play and I can give more details. BTW the games are over at All-Stars, which is where the Continent used to be.
You might try giving Insurance Unlimited a call. Susan Lytle is who I talked to about ours. I am not sure what she might be able to do you you, but it is worth a shot.
Try clicking on that link again. I noticed that Ebay may have taken care of it since it goes to the actual Ebay login now.
I tried typing in partial URLs with and without the "s" and only those with the "s" will go to the ebay site the others give a no permission error.
Joe, I notice it more on COFBAs site, but I have noticed it too. As far as this girl she was bad, but not as bad as some of the others, it is all just for drama and ratings.