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Everything posted by BiG BeN

  1. Starting a new thread in the interest of not jamming up someones WTB thread. I'm looking for a comparably valued home defense shotgun. I have a Browning buck mark plus in .22 LR. 5-1/2" bull barrel Pretty wood grips Fancy gold trigger Only one magazine. It had 2 and maybe i'll find the spare, but not likely.They're about $30.00 online. I have the original box from browning and the owners manual with a sight adjustment wrench. Previously I thought it had not been fired, under closer inspection there is evidence of rounds being chambered so it's probably been fired, but not much. I'de like a pistol grip 20guage pump/semi, but whatever lets see what you've got. http://i36.tinypic.com/r7rktg.jpg
  2. I have a rather nice browning buck mark semi. I got it from my dad and as far as I know it's never been fired. I've never considered letting it go for cash. I'm more looking for a trade for a HD shotgun. Got anything?
  3. Brilliant! might be more effective to make the escalator audibly beg for mercy under a weight of more than 200lbs though.
  4. http://www.akaihanaohio.com/ as long as that BBQ is squid. Seriously bitchin' place for sushi, and locally owned!
  5. Where do you usually meat people from craigslist?
  6. A large percentage can be found with a phone thats for sure,alot of the times you just need to get close and you'll see the traditional hollow tree or whatever. Then there's when you're looking for a camoflaged pill bottle 70' up in a tree under a thick canopy and it's only 1 stage of 7. I'de rather have the 12' accuracy that my handheld gives me than the 56' or worse accuracy my iPhone gives me. Still I won't leave home without it just for the paperless caching capability.
  7. Yeah phone gps units suck if you're trying to find anything thats not in a parking lot. If you're gonna do anything in the woods you're gonna want a real GPSr. I've been getting by just fine with a 70$ eTrex H though.
  8. seriously nice keg-o-rator
  9. Yeah I'm into it a bit. "extheflow" on geocaching.com. my brother in law has some killer terrain caches in central ohio if you're up for a challenge, just try not to die in the process. search for caches placed by "drainhook"
  10. These cars are pretty fun, I/We just picked up an 03 version with the 2.3T 5cyl. It's pretty zippy for a wagon and there's a big aftermarket. Good luck with the sale!
  11. It's a sensor, and it's in the tranny. check the harness and plugs under there.
  12. Spaghetti wharehouse is a franchise joint, and kinda crappy anyway. the setup is nice but the pasta is bad. Belt drive ceiling fans and an indoor caboose do not make up for watery marinara.
  13. BiG BeN


    Thats a widemouth mason it has a 3" opening where the average pint glass is 3.25" it's fine really. The device sitting on top of my mason jar is a little turtle that you pour the guinness over so it doesn't get all mixed up with the tan. The shock top isn't my favorite, it's just what I had on hand, though I do generally prefer a wheat with my guinness. Usually it's leine or blue moon in a pinch.
  14. BiG BeN


    edit:rotate fail failed at editing for rotation failure.
  15. BiG BeN


    Pieced together a couple black&tans myself with some guinness and my girlfriends leftover shock top. It's rather tasty. http://i36.tinypic.com/21biwwl.jpg
  16. It's not that scary, it's what 1/4 mile to spaghetti wharehouse? anyway it's definitely good eats, and you can still get a pretty nice bottle of wine for $20
  17. Wow, I had no idea. I haven't bothered to jailbreak since 2.1. I guess I've been missing out!
  18. http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ jailbreak doesn't give you paid apps for free. if you want a $10 app from the appstore, then you still have to pay the appstore $10. however the jailbreak gives you access to other sources for apps that do similiar things as paid apps and alot of cooler things than paid apps for free. generally alot of geeky stuff that looks cool if you're smart enough not to brick your phone in the process.
  19. I've traveled the country with a verizon phone and my iphone side by side, my sister using the verizon phone had more service issues than i did, but neither one of has issues inside 270.
  20. there's an iPhone app that does the same thing (for $0.99).It's been more convenient for me. It has tons of feeds nationwide. "Police Scanner"
  21. I have an 8' jack skellington that i bust out for the kids every year. It's only an accomplishment because i'm 5'7".
  22. I knew I had seen that guy before. http://i36.tinypic.com/nv9y6c.jpg,http://i38.tinypic.com/ngsll3.jpg
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