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Everything posted by BiG BeN

  1. those wheels are hot
  2. yeah...thats the way i'm feelin right now. after my wife and mother of my 2 kids decided she wanted to run off and lead some cowboy lifestyle,and myself and 2 kids didn't fit into it.then i was pretty well crushed. i thought about goin out,but it's kinda hard to do being a single dad.now i don't think i want anything to do with dating.
  3. dang...no more walkin around with the mushroom cap exposed
  4. yeah...it's really nice.if anyone is interested i'm not opposed to popping off a couple before a deal is made.i just don't have a place to shoot around here.
  5. standard sig p220 .45cal.purchased new by me($666.00) clean have case, 2 mags. never been dropped or anything stupid like that.shoots great. i've put maybe 200rds through it.it stovepiped a couple times when trying some different loads(didn't like the wincleans) other than that it's solid.i have about 100rds to go with it. i'm looking for something in a .380 or maybe compact 9mm.must be flawless. the .45 is just too big to carry(my opinion) http://www.members.aol.com/senorill/sigsaur.jpg a couple specifics that i like are the Sig p232, and the walther PPK/S [ 24. April 2004, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: BiG BeN ]
  6. that might be tough to find considering there aren't any JDM eclipses. just fill your carry on with badges from the junkyard,when you come back you can retire.
  7. i like this one better. http://www.pistonheads.com/uploads/news/7814-5.jpg too bad it's a fricken 3 cylinder. graemlins/gay.gif
  8. just guessin...it's probably toast.i can't see how a turbo would survive that kind of friction without locking completely. i guess the best thing to do is take it off and try to pump some oil through it...see how much shiny stuff comes out.
  9. BiG BeN

    Boost Level

    nice 500lb injectors..does he have a rotary swap or something?
  10. sad thing is the NCAA already said he could be reinstated if petitioned by his school,but the jacked up relations so bad with geiger he doesn't have a prayer of being a buckeye.the best thing he could do is spend a quality season with coach bruce,and the destroyers.the coach would whoop him into shape.
  11. they can't exactly put the metal back in though...hopefully you get hooked up on a new set of slugs.
  12. ride it to my house and bring a burrito
  13. BiG BeN

    Boost Level

    thats good for a bright orange manifold on the dyno.i've seen it
  14. drill it right in the middle(1/8"bit).when the outside piece starts to spin on the bit you can push it all the way through. now gimmie a burrito
  15. BiG BeN


    falken azenis they're Zrated pretty sticky,and really cheap.if you take them to discount tire they will probably have them in stock and they will know what size to put on for your stock wheels.
  16. so...you're going to regulate boost on the compressor side of the turbo?
  17. so...you're going to regulate boost on the compressor side of the turbo?
  18. i spotted an old fox body in dayton with the 5.0 badge.directly above it on both sides were big "magnum V8" badges
  19. you mean one of these? http://www.forth-armoury.com/research/peen_rivets/hammer.jpg
  20. there's actually a pretty sweet looking product at either autozone or advance. it's a small module that plugs into the OBDII port and logs everything.then you take it out and plug it into a little base connected to your computer and view all the logs.
  21. BiG BeN

    Son of a bitch.

    berto will be screwed...i think i still have liquid on my windsheild from being behind him on the highway.
  22. BiG BeN


    it's stock right?...also what kind of eclipse is it.
  23. did you change the studs recently or something? are you torqueing them down?
  24. BiG BeN


    like b-dub b13 says...you can get the guage cups from jegs for dirtcheap(if your guages don't come with them. then cut them at an angle and rotate to the desired viewing position.
  25. http://www.bigben.web1000.com/pandora2.jpg yeah..my girl is getting started a little early too. here she is checkin the BOV and snuggin up the valve cover. BTW yeah thats a cheerios gasket(it was her idea)
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