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Everything posted by BiG BeN

  1. someone paid 81$ for letters and a valentines day card....disgusting
  2. 2year old bikes are cheap,call around for insurance.it's not that bad.i was paying 212 a year for my gsxr750 through allstate.
  3. my apex seals lasted till 88k in my 90GTU.
  4. actually the B18C1 doesn't need special mounts to go in a 93.my old 93Si worked fine i just can't remember if i used the integra mounts,or the civic mounts.i'm thinking integra.and then replaced them with prothane mounts,but again...don't remember the application on the mounts.
  5. return line should be the same or bigger than the supply.jegs has filters on the shelf,some have replaceable elements and are clear(bling). ECU's are generally not going to be effected by RF unless you have a 16gigawatt linear amp mounted ontop of it,but are adversly effected by dirty power.so make sure it's grounded well and you'll be fine.
  6. BiG BeN


    http://www.oldschoolskateboards.net/ prices are high,but dang...i don't understand how anyone rides on all these popsicle sticks made after about 98
  7. she had to do some pretty messed up junk to bring that on though...come one.people don't go killin spouses for no reason.she was probably just as scandalous as him just more lazy.
  8. BiG BeN


    the decision on whether to shut it down or not is goin to be made later this year.the worst case is it gets shut down totally the best case is that we get ots more jobs from the increased demand of someone else getting shut down.hopefully taft,and coleman can flex their political prowess graemlins/jerkit.gif and make something positive happen in this city.
  9. sorry,just a little former rotary owner sarcasm(hard to detect via internet) anyway.if it's flooded try putting your accelerator to the floor while cranking.i was told by a knowledgable rotary mechanic that this turns OFF the injectors.it always worked for me when my old 7 was flooded.also seems to happen fairly often when running for a short period of time when the engine isn't up to temp.
  10. i think it's hilarious that krenzels number was called before navarre.
  11. try the fuel filter, sounds like you have pressure,but check your fuses anyway.if that doesn't work try something with pistons
  12. i hate cellphoners that refuse to use signals because they're hands are full....
  13. BiG BeN

    ZEX ???

    gotta stick a meter on it. i did a zex on my old b18c.but i can't remember what color it was...i wanna say it was in the middle of the 3 pin plug.best way to tell is with the meter though.also you can test it pretty easy.when you have everything hooked up.turn the key to on,make sure your arming switch is on,and with your head under the hood rotate the throttle wheel.you should hear an audible"click" from the Zex box.if not...something is wrong.
  14. BiG BeN

    ZEX ???

    if you have a meter flip it to DCvolts and probe the TPS wire to ground(key in ON).when closed the TPS should be close to 0v.when fully open it should be 4.5v-5.0v. thats probably the problem.sounds like you mighta got the wrong wire on the TPS.
  15. gas stations sell tire plug kits for like $3.50but if you're up for some espionage....find out if my exwife has a job,and prove it.she'll get thrown in the slammer and be forced to pay back child support.i'll give you a cut.heh
  16. it's easier to press it out.if you can prop a vice up in there and put a big socket on the inside and another bolt on the outside and tighten it until the bolt piece squeezes out.
  17. BiG BeN


  18. check out zerolift.com they are right in cincy,and have a pretty good rep with the nissan crowd.
  19. i use 5/3. their online billpaying and account access is pretty strong,i've been with them a long time and haven't had any problems.
  20. yeah...it might've only hit him in the nuts
  21. i've had walbro255's operating flawlessly in 2 vehicles.it's a good pump for the money.
  22. BiG BeN


    crap, i just looked at your engine bay. kinda looks like a hard one to get to.i would say on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being a B-series honda. and 10 being a maxima or something. i would call it about a 5.5 a lift would make it more enjoyable.
  23. BiG BeN


    if the exhaust manifold is in front then it's easy, if it's in the back it's hard. BTW if you have a pair i dunno what the hell you'll do with the other one.
  24. i'm trying to stay away from the polymers(call me old fashioned) but i'll do some reading and let you know.
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