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cptn janks

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Everything posted by cptn janks

  1. were you like the rock and told her "bitch! know your role!" http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51688KGX0ZL._AA280_.jpg
  2. on the news just a minute ago, they had some piece of trash who got shot running from the cops... he is fucking crying about "oh they never should have shot me, they were too rough." i swear to god his quote was "i didnt do shit but turn around and laugh when they tried to stop me" what the fuck? why would they even put this piece of shit on TV? he crashed his car running from the cops and then they shot him. thats what you get. too bad they got him in the arm and not the head. this is the original article about the shooting the other night: http://www.wtte28.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/wtte_vid_739.shtml
  3. interesting. i was actually looking to see if they had any coming up and didnt see any... was wondering whats up.
  4. they usually have em at westland mall... never been to the vets memorial one, but ill probably go. as for online, never bought one, but i know of two sites: gunbroker.com and auctionarms.com basically ebay for guns.
  5. my parents have used lpg since i was like 12 or so... i dont really know details, but any questions you have, i can ask them and then get back to you
  6. Hi. I'm Troy McClure, you might remember me from such driver's ed films as 'Alice's Adventures through the Windshield Glass' and 'The Decapitation of Larry Leadfoot.'
  7. ^ someone could throw up a site of car wreck pics that would make you think twice about driving in a car too... everything has its danger... the only way to be 100% safe is to not get out of bed in the morning. IMO, you have you decide what danger level you are willing to accept, and then take steps to mitigate that danger as much as possible.
  8. big pen0r crew representing here. im not only a member. im the president.
  9. you forgot quake 3 arena.
  10. it is very real. so is this http://foodgoat.blogspot.com/050310hamdog.jpg
  11. i work right up there, so im through that neighborhood quite often. grew up around there too... lets see, we got the dude with the GTO dirt track car, the house with a yellow WRX and maroon cobra, guy down the street with a 73 stang and sn95 GT, next to him dude has an old monte carlo under a cover. also then you got the guy with the bricklin and the 300ZX in his driveway, the guy with the monte carlo on donks... thats all i can think of off the top of my head but i know there are a couple more... im sure there are a lot more in garages too... best car neighborhood IMO
  12. zomg a ninja! http://bp3.blogger.com/_OXNGc6NvNCQ/RmuBaToNTBI/AAAAAAAAAG8/Mb1K5dKCrqk/s400/Black+Kawasaki+Ninja+ZX-6R.jpg
  13. they are pretty big (thats what she said) so here is the link to my photobucket, you can check em out there http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s72/harperlou/motoGP/ the vids i took are on my youtube page: http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=351cleveland&p=r
  14. dont complain to your boss. complain to the ohio division of labor. they will do an investigation and if they determine that your employer has been screwing you, they will be required to pay EVERYONE overtime that they screwed over.
  15. lol i thought of that too when i read the article about the locosts in car and driver a year or two back. apparently we werent the only ones with that idea, because ive seen a couple of them online too. still would be super fun though.
  16. yeah, my dude has one that is bolted down to the floor, to the wall on both sides and to the wall on the back. its not going anywhere unless you take the closet with it.
  17. yeah there are tons of lotus super 7 kits and replicas that you can make using lots of different engines.
  18. if it keeps one person from riding in flip flops and basketball shorts, then id say its a good website.
  19. will manly is a fucking moron.
  20. can you imagine laying cable all the way from san fran to tokyo?
  21. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/iphone_keysuck.gif
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