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Everything posted by Ackbar00

  1. 21:00. I have seen it all now....
  2. Any interest in trading for a Saiga .410?
  3. Ackbar00

    22LR Pistol

    I love my GSG http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae290/ackbar00/IMG_1059.jpg
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/02/newspaper-decision-to-out-gun-owners-sparks-all-out-battle/ Pretty fucked up, but there has been some fighting back I have seen. LOL and the best
  5. Ahhh, but then you are shooting more than it takes to "stop" the threat. At least that is what some dumbass on this site told me a few weeks ago....
  6. Here, this will help with your motivation. I love this guy.
  7. Pluto is still a planet in my book.....
  8. Just remember, when you go to bed tonight, I still fucking hate you....
  9. Pretty sweet. I plan on passing my .22 to my oldest son here in a year or so. I got it from my dad when I was 10. Only problem is, I got 3 boys, guess they are just going to have to pass it donw the line as they all turn 10 My Daughter, guess she is just going to get a pink AR
  10. Ive been looking at those .410 Rangers for awhile, just dont think they are worth the price. Look pretty though.
  11. So someone just needs to make a 12ga. handgun
  12. hey, Ive beaten him at least once Funny part, for years I was always Scott's brother. Now, he is Ackbar's brother. lol
  13. That be them. Give me a call sometime Jdub.
  14. Dude should have stopped resisting.....
  15. Some older vids I had made.
  16. I mean, it does O K ..... http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae290/ackbar00/Image-066D64977BC74DE3.jpg
  17. Guy my brother knows had a Mavrick88 and will prolly buy the old stuff. Forend was pretty easy with the right wrench. Got one off of amazon for $13. Had them swapped in 5 minutes. Want to get me a OD green pistol next year. Thinking about a Glock 20.
  18. Fuck this guy, I dont know him....
  19. Wanted to change it up a bit. I think it turned out awesome! Love the OD Green. Got it from Damage Industries. Old setup: http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae290/ackbar00/IMG_1845CC.jpg New: http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae290/ackbar00/IMG_1847CC.jpg With my AR: http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae290/ackbar00/IMG_1848CC.jpg
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