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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. Just started to snow in West Jefferson. Snowing pretty hard too.
  2. It's her... http://tv.popcrunch.com/is-kellie-pickler-smarter-than-a-5th-grader/
  3. Tell your kid great job, and keep up the good work.... Wait a minute.... Gahanna schools have a bowling team?!?!?!
  4. Gotta love Kelly Pickler..... She's the poster child for dumb, but damn is she a good looking.
  5. Your dreams can come true for just $17,500 http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1503153336.html
  6. They story behind the gift is...... My dad, brother and myself all went to the Wright Patt Air Force Museum this summer and while we was there watching a video about a B-29 and the crew that flew it, I said something to my dad about enjoying watching old war documentaries and old news footage of the wars... Here's a link to it. http://www.millcreekent.com/ViewProductDetails.asp?productid=456
  7. I got a 36 DVD box set called "America, Stories of War" 170 hours of documentaries on the WW1, WW2, Civil, Korean, and Vietman wars.
  8. This is the same adapter I'm using. part # CR5400 http://cgi.ebay.com/SANDISK-32GB-16GB-X2-microSDHC-Pro-Duo-Adapter-CR5400-G_W0QQitemZ130354478623QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDigital_Camera_Memory_Cards?hash=item1e59bb7e1f
  9. I have an adapter that has 2 8 gig SDHC cards in it. Works great with my PSP 1000. I bought it on EBay for $40 for everything.
  10. Yes they are!! I went to the doctor and a month later got a bill for almost 80% because COBRA wouldn't pay. The only reason I went that route was because that's what I was offered from my former employer and I knew I was going on the wife's insurance in September. I definitely wouldn't recommend them.
  11. it's going to be a hard one finding decent health ins. for $100 or under. When I got layed off I picked up COBRA for a few months and it ran almost $325 a month. If you make under a certain dollar amount you can get a government discount and that dropped the price down to $140 for me.
  12. Matt, if you don't plan on racing, this truck wouldn't be for you. A Revo will be a lot of fun.
  13. That's awesome!! A redneck's dream come true!
  14. Also... If someone is planning on racing at CRCRC, Bob Opperman @ CRCRC gave me his setup sheet and this one is setup exactly as his. Bob is a consistent A main driver and has been for years so he knows exactly how to dial these trucks in.
  15. Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure if it was a jab or not.. we are on CR.. lol Thanks for posting the part you use. I'll try one for the next install I do which will probably be Beer30's Focus. I used a lot of DEI products back in the 90's and always had decent luck with their stuff. I was shocked when I got 3 DOA's from them.
  16. HAHAHA Why is there always someone that HAS to have a big block in everything!! j/k The Italian made Novarossi .12 is a screamer. You won't believe the power until you drive the car. As a matter of fact I know a few A main racers that will take the slide carb off and put a slower rotary carb on to help make the incredible power more manageable. I really think I'm going to part this thing out on EBay. I've got so much more than $200 in this setup it's not even funny. Just to give you an idea of what I have in this.... truck kit with TQ kit $300 radio gear $50 servos $50 wheels and tires $40 engine $160 extra engine with rotary carb $35 starter box with 12v gel cel battery $60 extra xxxnt for a parts truck $80 superbrain charger $20 plus I have an extra brand new OS .12CV that I have no use for if I sell this truck. yep... I just talked myself into it. It's going on EBay right now. I'll post the links when I'm done.
  17. I went through 3 different DEI 555's before I said fuck it and bought the key box. All 3 DEI 555's were DOA. The key in the box has worked flawlessly for 4 years now. I also cut off the key part before putting the top half in the box. I don't consider what I did to be a shortcut. If I would have started with the key in the box I would have been done with the install about 8 days sooner. Also I've installed my share of alarms and starters. I've been installing them since 1989.
  18. ANYTHING you think could have been caused by the accident, bring it up. None of this is your fault. You're just trying to get everything back to the way it was before someone hit you. None of this is your fault, so get every little thing looked at or fixed. Don't let the adjuster boss you around, you're the boss and you tell them what you want to happen and if they don't like it (which they won't) tell them you need time to think about all this or just give them your attorney's phone number. They will REALLY hate that. All they want to do is get this case closed as fast as possible. Don't feel like your screwing over the insurance company, you're just getting what is coming to you. Trust me they do the same thing..... And that $1000 for future possible medical bills is no bullshit and will net you around a grand.
  19. The bypass I used in my 2000 GT was a plastic box that you put a programmed key into the a wire loop goes around the ignition switch. I never had any luck with the active bypass modules. The install is a piece of cake. If you can make turbo kits and install them you can certainly install a remote start.
  20. I would take $175 for just the truck, engine, servos and radio I'm about to list it all on EBay.
  21. Bring up everything that you think could have been caused by the crash.... You're not at fault so don't feel guilty about getting your car fixed
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