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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I skimmed your post.... You don't have to use the check for the repairs, you can do what ever you want with the money. The insurance company doesn't care what you do with it. Also you can tell the adjuster that you feel alright now but you would like at least $1000 to cover future medical bills caused by the accident. Might be able to get more might get a little less but you will get something. I got both the wife and myself a grand each by doing this after we got rear ended in London.
  2. it looks like you shot him twice, did ya?
  3. Don't waste your tag.... Go buy a used muzzleloader and go out the middle of January. I bought a used Traditions in-line for $60 and that came with a scope and a soft case.
  4. Nice lookin Buck. Did you score it?
  5. oh and if you plan on doing it yourself, listen to what Jason says. Everything he said is spot on....
  6. Matt PM me. My best friend owns a painting company and will give you the hookup for sure.
  7. I took my Muzzleloader to Vinton County yesterday. Climbed an incredibly steep, slick hill fell and busted my ass 5 times just to get to the top and sit in the nasty wet snow for 5 hours and not see a damn thing. I'll get one during Muzzleloader season Jan 9th -12th in Lancaster. Anyone else going out with a Muzzleloader?
  8. I would trade for the Ipod Touch. I'll even throw in a couple batteries
  9. I don't see why it wouldn't. The car is an automatic, right? PM me when you want to get it done.
  10. I've been using Crimestopper and DEI since the early 90's and have found both to be decent equipment. (DEI is a little better) I've also installed a lot of the cheaper ($25 and lower) remote starters you only find on EBay and had good luck with them too. Back when I worked for Stereo Ltd and Best Buy I had to do everyone else's warranty work when it came to alarms and starters and a lot of the problems I ran into was either a remote range issue or with the install. A better quality more expensive starter will have better range usually, but for what these two want that won't be an issue if it's not already with the factory remotes. BTW..... DEI is Directed Electronics Inc.
  11. Thanks for the help guys. I'm definitely going to try the 7.62 and the Clenzoil... Just for kicks I dug my 2 Nagants out that I bought from Fin, Feather and Fur a few years ago. These guns was still in the boxes I bought them in and haven't been out since I brought them home. Both of these guns bores look almost as bad as the gun I'm trying to clean up. Didn't the Russians get issued cleaning kits with these things?!?!?! oh well. They were only $80 each and are a cool piece of history.
  12. I can vouche for Cheers Chalet. Been to many receptions there and was always impressed with it. Really a great place to have a wedding and reception. Very scenic. Of course I'm partial to this place because my parents house is a 100 yard walk through the woods from it and this was my hunting/fishing grounds since I was old enough to hold up a 410 shotgun. Also if you don't want to go that far away, there's The McCoy Center in Old Hilliard. It's a nice place to have the reception if you're on a budget. A cool place to get married in Hilliard would be at the Franklin County Fairgrounds Historic Village. There's a really old church there you can make arrangements to use. For our wedding cake we used Cakes by Traci. tracitaute@yahoo.com or 614-436-0136. We had a small cake that cost $200 delivered and setup. http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6473/1000907.jpg Hope this helps ya. I know how stressful it can get, I watched the wife wig out for 2 months getting our wedding put together back in September. Congrats and Good luck
  13. On your Focus? Sure. You buy the parts and I'll install it.
  14. This is the one I have installed on the 2000 Mustang. I have mine setup to start after you hit the lock button 3 times. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Crimestopper-Remote-Start-Use-w-your-factory-remotes_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35a583b3f7QQitemZ230410138615QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  15. yes there is a solution for you.... I put a remote start on my Mustang that uses three lock pulses from the factory keyless entry system. Let me dig up the manual for it so I can tell you what kind it is.... Very easy to install.
  16. I've seen the place but always thought it was a grocery store for some reason..... btw... Big Lots is based in Columbus
  17. After the engine and transmission are gone wouldn't the other higher dollar parts on that car be the Independent rear suspension and rear end?
  18. It works great. Has two bulbs in if so if you blow one you just flip the lever and you're back in business. $20 http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/8696/1001226.th.jpg http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/3915/1001223.th.jpg
  19. Thanks for the info. I'll give both a try. The owner of the gun confirmed he did not clean it after the last time he had it out shooting 10 years ago. Is this thing even worth trying to save? From a safety stand point?
  20. I was given a Mosin Nagant that has a rusty bore. The rifling is still there the worst part is the groove. I've hit it with a wire bore brush until the rust powder stopped falling out but it still looks like shit. I've read that using a .22 caliber bore brush with some oiled up steel wool wrapped around it will do the trick but I don't want to do anything like that until I know FOR SURE it's not going to do more damage than good. yea I know these things can be bought for $80 all day long, and it would be easier to just buy a new one, but I told the owner of the gun I would do my best to clean this one up....
  21. If $39 is what a cheap tree cost.... How much do the other trees cost? I've never had a real christmas tree before....
  22. My oldest brother had a dark green 69 Stingray with the LT2 454 in it. He used the car to SCCA race and a little drag racing. I remember burning the shit out of my leg on the side pipe when I was probably 8 or 9 years old.... Damn I loved riding in that thing. My dad even won a trophy racing it on father's day 1975 at that track that use to be right off Sawmill road at Powell Rd. I bet that car is worth a small fortune now.
  23. I've bought from Centerfiresystems.com before. They always treated me right. Last time I bought 7.62x39 was at Vance's maybe 5 years ago and it was on sale for $99 per 1K rounds of Wolf so I bought 5 cases of it. Damn glad I did.
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