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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. Looks like AT&T will be getting a call from me Monday morning.... thanks
  2. I loved the original TRON when it came out in 82. Me and my brother must have watched it 5 times at the Eastland Mall Movie Theater... I'll definitely go see this one too. The trailer looked good.
  3. Please explain how this works. Why do you need an unlocked phone to use in other countries? Will the service provider ask any questions like where you're going or do they just give you the unlock code no questions asked? I would like my BB unlocked too but didn't want to pay for it......
  4. I have an unlocked IPaq 6925 or 6945 (I'll have to dig it out and see). Has a USB cable, extended battery, wall charger, car charger with it. The phone is in great condition. Probably want about $75 for it.
  5. this has nothing to do with the water you tads.. Sure it does... that's why you stopped Who conducts themselves in such a manner? Who the fuck stops and asks someone to move their sprinkler so it doesn't get their car wet? He threatened my well being over a sprinkler.I'm sure there's more to the story than what you're telling us. We're just hearing YOUR side of what happened. always seems the person telling the story sways it in their favor. I guess whenever someone asks you to move or open the door for them you start yelling and want to punch peoples face in. Now you're comparing apples and oranges. Big difference in asking someone to open a door for you than what you did. I figured the dude was cool and would just turn it off real quick and that would save me an 1.5 hours of my time to clean it. Now honestly, do you really think anyone cares about saving you an hour and a half cleaning you car??? I never thought the dude would get want to throw down....and I'm sure you didn't provoke him at all huh.... The point of calling the police was not to get the guy in trouble I just wanted it on record so if something does happen in the future I have proof he threatened me. If I would have just thrown down right there we both would be in jail. Now that it is on record and if something happens again there is proof that he threatened me. Damn the water.So you wasted a cops time by being butt hurt over a guy that shot his mouth off at you.... Point of all this is GROW THE FUCK UP KID!!!
  6. Pretty sure the Shooting range out here in West Jefferson has 2 gun competitions every couple weeks.... http://www.bigdarbycreeksr.com/forum/cal_lite.php
  7. If you're that anal about your car, why are you even driving it? Hey, everyone has a case of cranium rectumitus once in while. I bet you'll never do that again, or at least post about it on the internet....
  8. I'm going to replace the gas cap today. This is the write up I've been going from.... http://www.underhoodservice.com/Article/39980/up_in_vapor.aspx
  9. Rob, Do you have the ability to do the Evap smoke test? I think this is a problem I would like a professional to work on.
  10. Yep, it's a 2000. Where is your cousin's shop located? I appreciate it Rob.
  11. Just talked with someone at Autozone and they said that they can't can the ABS system but they do sell the scanner for $200. Anyone have an ABS scanner and is willing to help me out and pull my codes? I hate to spend $200 on a scanner.........
  12. I read that on the earlier SN95's there is an Orange/white wire on the ABS control module that can be grounded and that puts the ABS into diagnostic mode then you just count the ABS light flashes to get the code, but I haven't been able to find out if it's the same on the later model SN95's. Thanks guys, I'll give Autozone a try.
  13. no programmer yet, but looking it to it and the only code I'm getting is the P0422 from an ODB2 code scanner. I have no idea what code I'm getting on the ABS system.
  14. First problem is I'm getting a code of P0422 "Evap small leak detected" Anyone got a evap-approved smoke machine? Second problem is with the ABS. The ABS light will intermittently come on. I googled and found the ABS codes, but haven't figured out how to get the codes from the car without an ABS code scanner. Anyone have an ABS code scanner or know how to get the codes without one? any help would be greatly appreciated
  15. That news anchor is obviously is not pro guns. There is also a dealership in North Carolina that is doing the same thing that this guy is doing in Missouri
  16. I seen it on the news last week. He gives you a coupon for an AK47 to be redeemed at the local gun shop
  17. I say drug test them....... I could get a small fortune for my clean piss!!!
  18. I sold the pump, skimmer and heater. If anyone wants the sump for free just come get it.
  19. What do you think, 2 truck loads? I have a tool box in the bed of my Dakota so a mattress would be hard to fit, but the rest would be no problem.
  20. What time did you want to start? I'm free Saturday Morning until around noon.
  21. That wimpy pool would have collapsed with a 160ish pound man flying into it like that... The pool didn't even move just a splash....
  22. I agree with Scotty on this.... How many people here on CR would have the balls to do the same thing? Not sure I would....
  23. I was at pick n pull today and they had a shit ton of cash for clunkers in the yard. They just wouldn't sell any part of the engine. They painted most of the engine pink so they would know it came from a C4C vehicle. They also had a tag on attached to the engine that said it was drained of fluid and had a liquid silicone ran through it to make it unusable. In their back lot that you can't get to they had a really nice looking Cherokee that I bet will be in the yard to pull from soon.
  24. I've seen J and J's work too and it was top notch
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