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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.

    cat problems

    Good advice on the food in the piss area.
  2. wtf does 206 mean? Peugeot 207?
  3. I would just assume they are foreign. First one is just dumb.
  4. So fucking gorgeous. Sick numbers stock as well. x 100
  5. Same here. He got a new car and we took his Fox rally cross racing in a construction site and the thing broke in so many places it wasn't funny. His mom was pissed.
  6. Sorry man. This isn't eBay.
  7. LOL @ the lighter. I bid at like $8 i think.
  8. I thought you bought a brand new rag top before?
  9. Why couldn't you just hand her the lighter like a normal person?
  10. Any of these? http://www.insight-com.com/help-cable-remotecodes.asp
  11. This is what I have http://www.onecall.com/ProductDetails.aspx?id=19681 http://www.onecall.com/ImageCache/Monster%20Cable_Monster-Cable-ScreenClean_300x250_s.jpg
  12. I have the same thing except it isn't really gel. More like windex. Works good though.
  13. Nice wheel selection BTW. http://memimage.cardomain.com/member_images/4/web/472000-472999/472790_2_full.jpg
  14. He is going to download so much porn.
  15. I fucking love Corrados. Welcome.
  16. http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_en-USUS298&aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=how+to+clean+a+LCD+tv
  17. Refillable. It was on Rob and Big and he shot it a million times. Didn't seem to really stop anybody though.
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