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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Deal. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/ban-bf.gif
  2. People from Capital are not welcome. KTHX
  3. I heard Obama's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
  4. i heard Obama has a hard-knock life
  5. I heard Obama thinks you're retarded
  6. i heard Obama plays every part in Cats
  7. I heard Obama makes bitches cum just by eating cereal within 100 yards of them
  8. I heard Obama only takes left turns
  9. And on the 3rd day of Obamas I heard seven bitches fucking
  10. I heard Obama doesnt travel, the world moves under him
  11. I heard Obama got a BJ in the white house before Clinton did
  12. I heard Obama just laid a triple on this thread
  13. I heard Obama gets his shoes custom tailored so he can tuck his cock in
  14. I heard when Obama smokes he gets healthier
  15. I heard Obama has 132,939 songs on iTunes and they are all him singing Jay-Z songs
  16. I heard Obama shotguns 12 tallboys for breakfast
  17. I heard Obama is the deadliest catch
  18. i heard Obama is the only character in Open Water 3
  19. I heard Obama face-fucked Arnold Palmer and then he was good at golf
  20. I heard Obama spins it right round, right round like a record baby
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