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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I heard Obama donkey punched a small child
  2. I heard Obama built the city on rock and roll
  3. I heard Obama smokes more Newport Menthols than they can produce
  4. I heard Obama feels the rhythm of the night
  5. I heard you need Obama for a strong bone
  6. I heard Obama swam across the English channel without coming up for air
  7. I heard Obama is in the backseat with the windows up cuz thats the way he likes to fuck
  8. I heard whenever someone grows an inch so does Obama's dick
  9. I heard Obama got his concealed carry for a bazooka
  10. I heard when Obama jizzes it is like Mentos in Diet Coke
  11. I heard Obama invented beer pong to plan wars
  12. I heard Obama puts the ba in gangbang
  13. Kevin R.


    Your eyes must be crooked man, I used a straight edge. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/ban-split.gif
  14. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/allhail.gif
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