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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. ROFL. Everyone beat me to it. Security clearances are a joke.
  2. Yes he could. Your patient is a dumbass. I worked for the federal government and people there far more shady than Obama passed higher clearances than a general security clearance. PS. Fuck Obama. I'm just sayin'
  3. The pictures make it look worse almost. I know he does an awesome job but you should probably post pics showing that.
  4. Kevin R.

    I Hate

    Who is taking the coffee?
  5. Kevin R.

    I Hate

    You have such a hard-on for apple you probably thought it was real.
  6. +1 that is how I like to picture her
  7. You guys should post up your time attack times.
  8. Kevin R.

    I Hate

    I hate... when I crack open an egg into the pan and just a tiny, tiny little piece of shell is now in the middle of my egg and I can't get it out because the pan is hot so you have to leave it there and then you eat the egg and you are wondering the whole time where that little piece of shell is.
  9. Needs Road Armor bumper. Then you can hit anything. http://www.djgaston.com/images/roadarmor3.jpg
  10. I see nothing wrong with 3 days a week working out. Lifting 6-7 days a week seems overkill....aren't you a doctor?
  11. It went good. I made a few other small changes and began to see some results. However, this quarter I only got in the gym the first week, so 6 weeks without. Too damn busy which sucks.
  12. http://www.break.com/index/crazy-protester-interrupts-palin-interview.html
  13. Michelin is gay about ALL warranty stuff. I hated doing anything for them, especially Fleet vehicles. They want a whole separate form filled out for them.
  14. Not doubting the validity of plugs, but I thought Ohio regulations now forbid them?
  15. Hell ya man that is what I am on. I just threw my house to a better location.
  16. This makes absolutely no sense unless you are talking about just plain patches with no plug attached to them? If so, why not just buy the damn patches that you pull through from the inside like everyone else in the world uses....
  17. Exactly. Wal-Mart is a mighty large corporation and I am pretty sure they do not enjoy lawsuits.
  18. That is the way I like Kimbo anyways. :nod:
  19. Pretty sure you can accredit that to the driver. Dude is sick.
  20. Tell your woman to scream louder and repay the favor?
  21. People always ask me how guys like mccaulley caulkin pull that hot of ass and I always answer the same. Cocaine.
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