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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I saw her boobs when I was in 7th grade.
  2. Exactly what I was thinking. Haha Nice times!
  3. WHOOOOAAaaaAA too much aiming let it go let it go
  4. No just water. I don't want mild detergent on my dick. But you have to really dry the pussy out so it doesn't get moldy ya know?
  5. Tressel pretty much straight told the press/announcers that if Beanie is healthy Boeckman will be the starting QB again.
  6. Pretty sweet actually. Only downfall is you have to clean it out all the time.
  7. My car wants to be yours when it grows up.
  8. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122375732762826157.html?mod=testMod
  9. I don't usually bring my pocket pussy out with me.
  10. Got invited in the other thread. I am the party. /thread
  11. Will there actually be vaginas at this party?
  12. Kevin R.

    Bored Fri.

    Nice. Not sure yet...waiting on my buddy to get back from a wedding in Cinci then we will prob. head to the local bar for a few then head up to campus round 10-11. I'll phone your ass. Where tha party at?
  13. Kevin R.

    Bored Fri.

    That shit against my brother and other dude where we hit 4 straight off the break then lost was ridiculous. I'll prob. be back up in the campus mayhem tonight. Hit me up if anyone is up there.
  14. Kevin R.

    Bored Fri.

    You can thank me and Phil for that fine invention.
  15. That is what I meant to type. LOL Fixed.
  16. GM talking of purchasing Chrysler. Ford talking of selling entire stake in Mazda. Two very good moves if I do say so myself. Discuss.
  17. Quit bein girls. Shits fine.
  18. Ok, I now agree with the Megan Fox people. giggity
  19. If I had any money it would all be going into GE right now. They have $170 billion of backlogged orders, are right in line with predictions (albeit lower than last year - but no shit) and will still meet profit expectations this year. At this price it is a fucking bargain. Once the gov starts buying commercial paper they will be right back in movement as they are one of the largest holders of it. Someone lend me $10,000.
  20. Take night classes or something. Online doesn't seem to hold much value.
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