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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    It looks like it would go just depends on the size. I want to hear woosh and pretend it is a turbo.
  2. I guess I do not know the technical terms for any of this, but my driver side window keeps falling off of its "stands" on the thingy inside the door. What kind of gel shit do they use to make it hold? We used some sort of silicone and the thing fell right the fuck off. I think I might dive into some weekend because I am tired of looking ghetto pushing up my window. Thanks gents (or window-apoxy knowledgable ladies)
  3. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    Can I finagle the CAI onto my car?
  4. They look good enough for winter wheels.
  5. For one dollar less per hour you can stand around holding a sign all day for Phil while doing absolutely nothing. Plus, you can jerk off. See thread below.
  6. Thank you MadMalibu. I figure this may be an area of interest to others as well. Phil, I will sleep on it over night. The job offer that is.
  7. If we support some fucking country I have never even heard of and I get bombed over it I am going to be pissed. I'm moving to Australia.
  8. My goal in life is to own a F-650 and giggle at gas prices. http://www.jalopnik.com/images/2006/07/f650_xuv.jpg
  9. It takes a certain caressing touch to not implode a 195,000 mile stock 5.0 that sucks oil like it hasn't drank in 10 years. :p
  10. Can I jerk off? *Restored as it is a legitimate question. The original post says you can do whatever...Kevin is just making sure.
  11. Put in a twin-turbo Cummins.
  12. I hate you Phil. I will not be in town Saturday afternoon and I have 4 fresh tires off a V6 mustang that need burnt up.
  13. Paul How is everyone arguing? Serious, picture this whole scene in your head and not laugh.
  14. Probably because he is a border patrol agent and they don't do anything anyways.
  15. That was awesome. Well, not the video, but the in between ad page with the hot chic finger banging herself.
  16. It was not self-defense. I have been following this story since it happened. They were simply arguing, pulls gun, BAM dead. There was no reason, especially in front of the dude's daughter. I don't think it has anything to do with CCW or not though. The guy is a murderer end of story.
  17. Looking at the candidates we have now, Bush sounds better and better to me.
  18. I would like to bring this back up and share this. Read this in the paper this morning. Weird. http://digg.com/world_news/Baby_born_8_8_08_at_8_08_8_pounds_8_ounces
  19. I wish more girls with nice bodies would wear boxes on thier heads. That way I would just never know.
  20. At what point did they force her to be an informant?
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