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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing where the governor is.
  2. Erp. Did not realize that said lease. He wants to purchase the car not lease it. Thanks for the info. I got some good stuff from some of you via PMs. LMK if anyone finds anything. He is looking to pay high teens.
  3. Is this through VW dealers? Apparently, as I was told, he couldn't even locate a 2006 - 2007 at any dealership. I will pass this on and thanks for the info.
  4. I don't mean to be a lazy ass and really tried to look, but where?
  5. No thanks on the RS6. I don't see how that has anything to do with a VW GTI. But Audi would be proud you repped them randomly.
  6. Oh shit. Sorry I forgot about this. He isn't like me and doesn't want anything modded or have a go-fast bone (for now) so I believe he wants something like this: http://www.velocityjournal.com/images/stk/2007/vw2007gti18112829m.jpg I believe.
  7. I did not post this in The Corral because it is not really a WTB ad. My brother is in the market for a newer Volkswagen GTI, preferably the charcoal gray color with leather. However, he cannot seem to find any in his brief search around Columbus (by not any I don't mean charcoal gray with leather, I mean ANY). He couldn't even find one to test drive. If anyone knows of any dealerships that have any shoot me a PM so I can let him know and it will be much appreciated. You guys are the coolest.
  8. I have a pretty dick I got away with a potential street racing ticket by pulling the sandal stuck under gas pedal on Pickerington Police when I was 17. True story. Maybe I should be a salesman.....
  9. Safelite should be able to put some shit on/in it to temp. repair it (or permanently I guess if nothing else hits it)
  10. So you're mad you got pulled over for turn signals and not speeding? If you got a ticket for turn signals and only turn signals you need to flash some tit or something. I could poke my dick out of my shorts and get out of that ticket.
  11. SAFELITE AUTO GLASS Most everyone will tell you the same.
  12. I drink heavily and still rock a 3.9 after two years while working full-time, part-time, etc when I can doing what I can to get by. Go cry elsewhere. "College isn't for everyone" I believe in. But, you won't get anywhere in life being lazy unless you are one of those bitch-ass MTV sweet sixteen skanks.
  13. If guys stop caring about highschool girls when they get married, then I am crossing getting married off my my list of things to do fo' sho.
  14. Dude you have just been having shitty luck lately. You got some good karma comin' your way soon. /nohelpcomment
  15. Don't invest in stupid shit right now. Bonds baby.
  16. Kevin R.


    As a customer, I do not give a flying fuck if you are 10 years old or 45. If you know your shit you know your shit. The automotive repair industry to me is based off of word-of-mouth, honesty, and the job that gets done. I don't give a fuck about your 25 ASE certs or fancy toolbox if you are an unhonest bastard. Now, that is me. The soccer mom driving the broke ass minivan wants the best price.
  17. Except that state highway patrol man. Damn impressive. *until he is one day behind me
  18. So what is your problem with farmers? Huh? HUH!!?
  19. Nice job dude. My retarded friends and I made one when we were young teens and it ended up being the most horribly designed POS ever. When you dropped it it was like running into a wall because it wasn't at the right angle. But damnit we used it.
  20. Prolly. I will be stoppin' by NTB again though to see if I can con Aaron into getting me a job during the winter. Also I need air in my tires and cannot figure out how to do it myself.
  21. You're better than that Pau.....Miller.
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