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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. You need to start listening to Nelly's "pimp juice" on your way to work and they will start listening to you.
  2. http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa6/API_17/Funny/bacon-in-ass.gif
  3. First off I enjoy seeing tits throughout my day. Second of all, those black dress pants good looking girls wear to the office are one of the hottest things a girl can wear. I swear some of you are closet gays. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/75/196786319_0ac699a304.jpg?v=1202592616
  4. Nah leaves a harsh feeling in my throat. I do cocaine.
  5. Why are you getting mad at me? I didn't pick on your car. I just posted pictures of your girlfriend. Meanwhile, while you said "Why would I get mad?" you seemed kind of upset. Reminds me of conversations with my dad I used to have. "Dad, why are you yelling?" "IM NOT YELLING!!!!" "Yes you are. You seem mad." "YOUVE NEVER SEEN ME MAD!" "Then why are you yelling?" "YOU WANNA HEAR ME YELL?!!!" See, although he said he wasn't mad nor yelling; he really was mad AND yelling.
  6. I am an third-party in this conversation, but why not pack your balls up and walk away? Why would a fight need to ensue because some guy at McDonalds calls you an asshole. Maybe it is just YOU that shouldn't have concealed carry (not that you do) because of the way I see your mind working.
  7. Can we ban this FUBAR kid who thinks he is a hardass? This is my Sunday night suggestion. Tune in next week.
  8. You should get the best attorney you can. That ticket sounds serious. If you have to pay $500/hr + for a good attorney do it. From first-hand experience I know the kind of insurance hikes you will experience on a 99 Saturn SL1 after a reckless op ticket. (I guess they consider them one of Saturn's "sports cars" so it really goes up!) Good luck man.
  9. Nice ride. Welcome to CR.
  10. Why did you post this in the Kitchen you sexist bastard?
  11. I think he likes girls. So on behalf of my private investigation MySpace team, here are some pictures of his girlfriend. http://a493.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/35/l_e6266e3592a121ee7cd697c751fed75c.jpg http://a502.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/126/l_ea2dca872b0903f202843b0809c85b3d.jpg http://a748.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/71/l_f1a749ee769c5ffe2c06d9741ab07243.jpg If this upsets you don't post MySpace links.
  12. It is true. I was watching Deadliest Police Videos today as I sat on the couch eating one of those oven cooked pizzas from the Schwann man. It was kind of soft so I think I should have cooked it longer as I usually like a more crispy crust. It was the pepporoni brand and it was pretty good but it tasted as if they put a little too much oregano in; kind of overpowering when you want to enjoy the rest of the pizza. So to wash that down I had some left-over strawberry Fanta from the night before I purchased at Speedway. I was really surprised because even though I filled the cup about half-way up with ice the Fanta didn't really taste watered down at all and was really delicous. It washed the pizza down really well. So, as all that was going down these people on the show went to run because, as it later turns out when they threw it out the window, they had about ten kilo of cocaine the officer was about to find. Anywho, as they got in the car and went to leave the officer shot at the tire about 3 feet in front of his face and missed. This was on a Blazer or something so it isn't like he was shooting at low profile tires or anything. I said to my buddy I bet I could Peter North cumshot the tire better than that cop shot it. They finally pulled up next to him and took the tire out with a shotgun. I lold they needed a shot gun.
  13. You will get a ticket for anything in Lithopolis. Those guys are crazy. One time my friend got pulled over and had one of those miniature novelty baseball bats in his trunk and the officer pulled his gun out and removed it like it was a bomb. Fucking hilarity to see.
  14. Where are the radio presets on the Pioneer deck?
  15. The tickets don't even mean anything if you get one. If you get , I think 3, you have to walk to work from off base.
  16. Are you implying that you sort of want me?
  17. Or throw them at the wall.
  18. Fresh off the camera phone. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/SpeedRacer.jpg
  19. Actually I did a little PS image reversing. It is actually 55mph!!!!!!!!
  20. At least put effort into it and don't post the first video link from the other video.
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