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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. BTW this thread would have been classic if it was just a picture of your ass.
  2. Sorry bro I just got this done after you posted it. Then I went and got a massage from my friend Johnny Bravo to work out the kinks. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/tattedup.jpg
  4. Upon arrival of this new evidence I do not know the blonde chic and I am grateful cuz look at the d-bags they hang out with. Sorry if that is you or your friends. Thug life.
  5. Remember dads, beat your children. But make sure they see the meaning in you beating them so they don't just go cry to their boyfriends and cut themselves.
  6. BTW I don't know if this picture was personally taken, but I can almost swear the blonde is my ex-girlfriends cousin I used to know. She is legal if that is the case.
  7. You fail at pictues. It gets worse as the picture gets better. (except the blonde 2nd to left as stated) BETTER PICTURE: :nws: http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/Sluts.jpg
  8. Her fake tits > most fake tits.
  9. I bet you he is still high though. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d19/xdomains/smilies/weed/46.gif
  10. I'd hit that til my dick fell off or she decided she wanted to do a girl instead.
  11. One time some bastards stole 2 opposing center caps and very kindly took off my rear Ford emblem; being very careful not to scratch any surrounding paint with their screwdriver. I know this in no way relates to anyone's window bashing and car stealing experiences, but man it was fucking odd.
  12. The title of this thread just doesn't make sense.
  13. You fucking pussies. When I get gas I tip the cashier just so everyone will look at me funny.
  14. They are already legal on 25mph and under roads here in Canal Winchester. Have been for a few months now. I almost took one out when they cut a corner too sharp the other day.
  15. Looks very nice actually. Love the wheels.
  16. Kevin R.


    I don't want to hang out with you ever again Phil. I don't want to be the next victim.
  17. "A man who desires revenge should dig two graves." I just felt like throwing in a wise old saying.
  18. Dude go fuck yourself. I read all of that only for it to end without an ending.
  19. Was just about to ask. Repped.
  20. I will never forget our midnight walks along the beach.:leghump:
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