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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Thanks for dragging me into that by the way. I had a blast being the first to leave.
  2. Nope. We were all very well behaved on the streets actually. Although it had to have looked like we were up to something. The people in the first apartments we pulled into probably thought there was a 1am car show.
  3. I don't see you inviting us all over so no care.
  4. Silly. Wait until the news stations come to try to dig up shit and see that.
  5. I heard of this a week or two ago and it really pisses me off. A/B is as American as it gets and now we will lose that too.
  6. The background building sucks wang but the pictures and car are nice.
  7. Wasn't me that you are thinking of but thank you. I showed up right before Pat showed up and raced Pat. I would have had to ask everyone who the hell their CR names were so I just chilled out, haha.
  8. I was trying to be civil on my first appearance at Mike's house. Next time I'm belly flopping on beer pong tables.
  9. I was the random guy who was sittin' there at the table with the hat btw. Guess I could have introduced myself. Was a little taken back I guess...the only person I knew there was Phil. Sorry we shit on your thread Phil.
  10. No shit I kept waitin' for her boyfriend to leave. :D
  11. I think it also had to do with the fact ...I believe...you kept taking his phone at Hooters whilst I was trying to figure out where everyone was.
  12. No, never go with Craig. If I have ever seen anyone with all the signs of being fucked up by just looking at someone it was him.
  13. The wonderful thing is I ended up knowing that girl. Going to have to make some phone calls.
  14. I'm just glad we didn't have to camp there.
  15. The problem is when you call him it takes 17 calls for him to answer it.
  16. I'll let Phil comment on his own about his performance.
  17. Those are too delicious not to eat.
  18. Very fun indeed. Nice to meet all of ya.
  19. Get off the internets and lets go drink some beer.
  20. Damn! She had to come out pretty messed up.
  21. I as well hate drunk ass holes. It seems my confrontations always being over pool games. FUCKING POOL. People act like it is the Olympic finals of pool at every bar I have ever entered. I am there to have a good time and am laid back as you'll ever meet but serious shut the fuck up about how I don't play "like they do on that thurr tv".
  22. Is this still goin' down? I don't have shit else to do tonight and wanna play pong damnit. I just ask because I didn't know if it was outside or not and the weather isn't lookin' good holmes.
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