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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Now there will be child molestors there.
  2. Awesome. Do you plan on running it at ~15#s? Or going lower?
  3. I like when he is just sittin' there shootin' him in the nuts.
  4. I would have flipped shit. Hell, there is probably a ~1mph leeway on manufacturer's speedometers. What an ass cop.
  5. LOL do share this story. There is no way I could have taken that cop seriously.
  6. Wouldn't even be worth the time. Cop could make any BS up if he felt the need.
  7. New to I. Very cool. I love how non-chalantly he does it.
  8. These are the only drivers I can find on Toshiba. http://sdd.toshiba.com/main.aspx?Path=8100000000220000000100006598000000E7/810000000C58000000010000659C00002C36 Nothing about wireless. This is shittier now than before.
  9. It does this with 4 different networks. How can we assume it is our router? I just don't see the logic there.
  10. That is what I was thinking. Car ones are okay. The last bike picture is the best. The rolling car is decent. Not really into the fruity purple sky and shit.
  11. But on the real fo real; BW3s has shitty wings. I never was a big fan. You cannot lie wherever they get their chicken from sucks donkey dick.
  12. Maybe you get secret discounts?
  13. You are going to need to pay $30 and PM Anthony for sponsorship of BW3's on this site. Thank You.
  14. Yaaaaaa son. I have DJ'd since I was like 14. Got out of it for a few years because I got tired of buying all this vinyl. Eventually stopped buying vinyl then got tired of fucking with the same old records. I don't have like can lights and HS dance shit. I mostly scratch and mix rap. Now that I am about to pick up one of these new systems that uses "fake records" persay I can use all my mp3 music on my laptop and still get the real record use so I'm gonna head back at it. Plus I wanna play at our crizzib next year.
  15. I'll try all this later today after work. Thanks.
  16. Doesn't even give me the option in put in my network security key. Eh, upon further review it is no longer in my list of networks. I guess we will have to set it back up.
  17. Haha. I cannot find shit on Intel's website. You're crazy. Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Net
  18. Holy shit. :lol: I had a birthday there once right in front of the band. Wolf holding the puppet rapping FTW.
  19. No. That must have been the one I attempted to connect to when it originally did not let me connect to anything after the re-install. Honestly, I am not sure anything re-installed. I guess it must have but nothing popped up or said it found it.
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