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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Well, go figure. It won't let me view my Google Calendar that I use for all my shit. Back to Safari for now.
  2. Shit just shows Photobucket Bandwidth exceeded for me.
  3. 2 years left for me. I might try to extend it and Van Wilder that shit.
  4. I don't disagree someone in a car or truck should look out for those on a bike more-so than vice versa; I just had that happen to me twice with bikes in my blind spot and scared the shit out of me.
  5. I often jerk off and drive.
  6. Well you will probably seeing me here soon. I have a house at school to fill with furniture next year.
  7. If you are referring to me in my car then I would; ONCE I KNEW THEY WERE IN IT. There is that little factor that makes it a "blind" spot.
  8. I never said I didn't check my blind spots; learn to read. Do you sit next to fucking semis in your truck in their blind spot waiting for them to look for you so they won't hit you? No. (well, maybe you do) It is just an easy way to avoid an accident.
  9. Maybe he doesn't want some half-ass setup though?
  10. Since we are sending out messages; I would like to send one out to everyone riding their bikes. Quit doing the same fucking speed I am in my gawd damn blind spot. How hard is it to go an extra 1mph or back off 1mph so you are not riding in the exact spot that can get you (or me) killed. Twice I have had bikers riding along in my blind spot. If it was someone who didn't turn their head to check and just used their mirrors (i.e. females) they would be on the side of the road right now. It goes both ways between cars and bikes. I am not going to look out for you if you don't use common sense. /myrant
  11. PM me your phone nizzumber Phil or directions. I might be down to run a few games.
  12. Fixed. +1 for sleep in your car. It has to be someone who just thinks it is funny and isn't really angry with you or trying to piss you off or else they wouldn't just fuck with your windows.
  13. Very fast. Will be my web browser for now until I find something else fucked up about it.
  14. Ironing can get frustrating at times. Chics just seem to have that magical ironing touch.
  15. Nevermind close this out. I ended up getting the job I originally applied for.
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