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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. J/K. Watch this... http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1811089
  2. ...and is kind of an annoying dude. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1811078
  3. I fucking despise 151 though. :barf:
  4. I agree. Looks like a design cluster fuck.
  5. Sounds oddly good. I have heard of people drinking them while burning and fucking themselves up....
  6. Bwaha. Hate that shit......now. One of those nights and never could smell/drink it again.
  7. I would post the video...kinda funny...but it is off a cell phone and I don't know if that format can be posted online.
  8. I would be so confused if you pulled up next to me in an SUV and I had no idea what an SS was. Sounds nasty.
  9. Has anyone ever done one of these or any other weird shots? Was doin' em all last night for free Patrón. My eye is fucked up, lol. If you don't know what it is....you snort a line of salt...take the shot...then designate a lucky individual to squeeze lemon or lime juice in your eye (lime, although not expected, hurts 10x worse than lemon). Good way to get people to buy you free expensive ass shots if you explain it to em' cuz people love squeezing lemons into peoples eyes I guess. We also did some Zanbuka (sp?) vaporizer where you light the shit on fire and the glass sticks to your hand then smell the fumes and drink it...but that shit is nasty. Any other weird shit like this out there? Some of them are fun/entertaining. /worthless Friday thread
  10. Kevin R.


    I expect people in any position to know what the hell they are talking about, or GTFO. It always refreshes me when I go into an advanced auto or something similar and ask for a part, the guy asks why, and then can actually part with some knowledge in the situation. Customers want value with their service, not just service these days. I would gladly go pay more if they would hire people who knew what they were talking about. I guess this isn't the case for most though.
  11. Seriously. Make this shit happen.
  12. The song made me LOL.....so emotional. Nice vid.
  13. Holy shit. I feel bad about laughing at that one.
  14. Hmmm. Girls love cake. Off I go!
  15. Yeah I don't see any reputable car shops helping you out with any advocation of anything illegal, whether it is meant in that sense or not. Just business.
  16. I have a laptop from like 1990 with a Mustang sticker on it. $75?
  17. This happened in a legit MMA match with a ref?
  18. I too saw something on tv he would be fighting in the MMA this Saturday, yet can't find anything online.
  19. Ferraris are the most important goal of my life. Then I can do more randoms.
  20. Once she sees the TBSSTT she will sexor him.
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