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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Any warranty on the motor?
  2. That is ugly as all hell. Here in America we like big ass, diesel sucking trucks.
  3. This also works that if they were to touch the turn-signal lever and move lanes a 1/2 mile before the ZO6 got there, he would be a 1/8 mile ahead in 1,283 pieces and a whole family in a mini-van spewed throughout the roadside. Half empty cup.
  4. Hmmmmmmm.....sounds like a shameless plug to me. Post pics up.
  5. Do you get goosebumps when you look at wieners?
  6. My favorite was the black out when I couldn't see anything.
  7. I control them with my solo dance moves.
  8. You're in for a treat.
  9. This is true. I just like getting drunk and making an ass of myself to this song.
  10. I'm tryin' to control the pussy. Thanks...one member sent it to me.
  11. Was all in good fun, not simply the 'free' aspect.
  12. Oh I don't doubt it....I just don't know who the hell would order such a thing. "Hey! Bartender! Mix me a bunch of shit together in a glass. Here...here...I'll close my eyes and point to random liquors then you pour...WOOOOO!!!!"
  13. That sounds like the worst thing imaginable. I think someone just made it up as there is a slim chancing of putting down 7 1/2 shots in one glass of that all mixed up.
  14. You know you want to.
  15. Here is my buddy doin' it BTW. Turn the sound down...really annoying cell phone recording of the loud ass music and obnoxious bar people laughing. He was kind of a bitch about it. http://s8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/?action=view&current=stuntmanpat.flv
  16. Haha. To tell you the truth for free shots of it the lemon wasn't that bad. But I mean...broke college student ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Yeah, that was it. Black licorice flavor. I just hate the flavor of it.... Thanks for the info.
  17. ...if someone would be so kind. Can't find it anywhere. No, it isn't because I love the music. I only want this song if you have it purchased legally as illegal downloading is bad. Prince - Pussy Control Thank you. You can email me at kevinrainwater@gmail.com
  18. http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/8387/motivationalharpoonsviaud0.jpg
  19. http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/5540/02pics612461ih9.jpg
  20. http://www.dnaco.net/~vogelke/pictures/bad-motivational-posters/image014.jpg
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